Chapter Thirty Three

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"Come on girls time to go." I say as the girls go down the slide. They give me a sad look and walk over to me so I can help them put their shoes on. When I've got their shoes on I take them back inside and Bree picks up Copeland.

"Can we stop off at the pharmacy on the way back to the bus?" Bree asks as she adjusts Copeland on her hip.

"Sure, I need to go there anyway." I reply as we walk out of the door. We walk over to the car and put the girls in their car seats. Bree and I get into the car and I turn the ignition on.

"Are we still getting ice cream?" Copeland asks.

"I'm sorry baby girl but, not today, how about I send daddy out to get some and we can have some on the bus?" I reply with a smile.

"Okay." Cope replies sounding happy.

"Honey I'm home." I say as we all pile into PTV's bus and to my surprise no one was there.

"They must've gone out." Bree says from beside me. I nod and put Shaylee and Copeland onto my bunk. I put my blanket over them and walk into the front lounge.

"I guess we better take these tests before the guys get back." Bree says looking up at me.

"Yeah, you go first." I reply looking down at her. She takes a deep breath, stands up and walks towards the bathroom. When she comes out I go in and do mine. When I'm done I walk back out and get Bree, leading her towards the back lounge. When we walk inside Bree closes and locks the door.

"Alright, on the count of three we look at them." She says receiving a nod from me.

"One, two, three." She adds and we lift them up and look at them.

"Holy shit!" We exclaim in sync.

"I'm pregnant." Bree says sounding excited for a moment but her smile turns to a frown.

"Me too, what's wrong?" I reply walking over to her.

"How is Kellin going to react, or Jaime or even Katelynne?" She asks looking up at me with tears in her brown eyes.

"I'm sure Kellin will be thrilled and as for Jaime and Katelynne, don't worry about what they say, as long as you and Kellin are happy I'm happy okay?" I reply pulling her into a hug.

"Tony, I have something to tell you." I say feeling worried.

"What is it babe?" He asks putting his hands on my arms.

"I'm pregnant." I reply looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Is it mine?" He asks looking worried.

"Yes." I reply making his reaction go from being worried to happy in a matter of seconds. He picks me up and spins be around.

"Oh my god, I'm going to be a daddy!" He exclaims.

"Shh, you'll wake Shaylee up." I say with a giggle he just shrugs and puts his soft lips on mine.


"Kellin, I'm pregnant." Bree says looking deeply into my eyes.

"Is it mine?" I ask feeling worried.

"Yes." She replies I feel a wave of relief flow through me but it misses a tiny bit of worry. I stand there feeling shocked, excited and worried at the same time. My emotions are going crazy and I can't control them.

"Kellin?" Bree asks waving her hand in front of my face.

"Y-yeah?" I reply looking into her gorgeous brown eyes.

"You don't want this, do you?" She asks looking down.

"Of course I do, I'm just shocked that's all." I reply pulling her into a hug. When we separate I grab her hand and lead her to our bunk. We climb up and I bring her close to me.

"I love you Bree." I say drawing random shapes on her back.

"I love you too Kellin." She replies before I fall into a deep and peaceful sleep.

"Wake up uncle Kel, wake up!" I hear my beautiful niece say as she shakes and pokes me.

"I'm awake little monkey." I say as I sit up. She climbs onto my back and I jump down. When my feet touch the floor I kneel down so she can climb off. She doesn't climb off though. I stand up once again and run into the front lounge with Shaylee giggling on my back. When I get to the couch I sit down and she releases her arms from around my neck. I turn back around and start tickling her.

"U-uncle Kel s-stop." She gets out between laughs. Copeland walks over and protectively puts her arms around Shaylee.

"Daddy, don't tickle Shay." Copeland says in a stern voice. I playfully put my hands up in surrender.

"Who wants ice cream for breakfast?" I say with a grin.

"Me." Shaylee and Copeland say in sync.

"Gabe come here, we have a mission." I yell. Gabe walks over to us and gives me a confused look.

"We're going to go and get the girls ice cream for breakfast." I say with a smile. He lets out a laugh and sits down on the arm of the couch. Shaylee climbs onto his back and I sit down and let Copeland climb onto mine. We run off the bus and over to PTV's bus with the girls laughing and giggling on our backs.

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