Chapter Seventeen

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It's been two months since we went to the pool and Kellin talked to Vic about him, Kate, Cope and I moving in until he gets a place close. I got my own room, I talked to Vic about it and he was fine with it. My feelings for Tony are getting deeper, we've been on a date or two and it was so cute. Our first date was a picnic on the beach and our second date was bowling. I told him not to take me anywhere fancy. I'm currently hanging out with Katelynne and Copeland. I've been feeling really sick these past few days and I have no idea why.

"Hey, would you be able to do me a favour?" Kate asked with a smile.

"Yeah, what is it?" I reply retuning the smile.

"Would you be able to put Cope down for a nap and look after her for a few hours, I've just got a few things to do." She replied grabbing her keys, phone and wallet.

"Sure thing." I say picking Copeland up and sitting her on my hip.

"Thank you so much, I owe you one." She replied walking over to us, giving Copeland a kiss on the head and walking out the front door.

"Come on baby girl, it's time for your nap." I say sitting down on the couch with Copeland. I laid her in my arms, rocked her back and forth and sung Hold On Till May softly until she fell to sleep. I carefully stood up and started walking towards Kellin's room when the guys came in the front door rather loudly. As soon as they seen that I had Copeland in my arms they fell quiet. Copeland stirred a little in my arms so I sung again softly once again gently rocking her back and forth so she wouldn't completely wake up.

"How the hell did you do that?" Kellin asked as I walked back into the lounge room. I looked it him with a confused look.

"How the hell did I do what?" I ask feeling confused.

"How did you sing Copeland to sleep?" He asked looking shocked.

"Easy, when I used to baby sit her for Kate when you was on tour I used to do it." I reply with a smile.

"You're going to be a great mom Lay." Vic and Kellin said in sync. I smiled and sat down on the couch inbetween Tony and Kellin.

"I better get her." Kate said standing up because she could hear Copeland crying.

"No, I've got her, relax, I'll get her dinner and everything." I say before running into Kellin's room.

"Hey, aunt Laylah is here baby girl." I say as I pick up Copeland and rubbing her back. She stopped crying and played with my gauges as I took her into the kitchen to give her dinner. Kellin had already cooked it, it only needed to be heated up. I heated her dinner up and sat her in her high chair. After I had fed her I let her play for a while and then I bathed her and got her to sleep.

"Do you know where Kellin and Kate are?" I asked the guys as I walked into the lounge room. They shook their heads.

"Oh well, I'm going to sleep, goodnight guys." I said as I walked towards my room. I heard a bunch of goodnights as I left the room.

"Wait Laylah, I need to ask you something." Tony said as he grabbed my wrist. I spun around and looked deeply into his heart melting eyes.

"What's up?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"I was, uh, wondering, um, would you do the honour of being my girlfriend?" Tony replied looking into my eyes.

"Of course." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a long passionate kiss.

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