Chapter Twenty Four

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I awoke to the sound of Shaylee crying from Vic's room. I let out a sigh before getting out of my sleeping bag and walking into the kitchen. I quickly make Shaylee a bottle before heading to Vic's room to see him rocking her back and forth, singing to her softly. I hand him her bottle and he sits down on his bed with her. When she's finished her bottle Vic burps her and we both sing Hold On Till May until she falls to sleep. I get up and put her into her crib and as I start to walk towards the door I feel Vic put his hand around my wrist.

"Wait please." Vic said as he pulled me closer to him.

"What's up?" I ask feeling worried.
"There's something I need to tell you." Vic says looking into my eyes.

"Continue." I reply grabbing his hands.
"I'm in love with you Laylah, when I'm with you I feel complete, every time we sing together I fall deeper and deeper, I know you're with Tony and god Laylah he loves you a lot, I see how much he loves you when he's talking about you or when he's looking at you but, I don't think he could ever love you as much as I do." He says making my mind go crazy. He lets go of my hands and puts his on my cheeks and put his forehead against mine. I felt butterflies at the pit of my stomach and I did something I never thought I'd do. I put my hands on his cheeks and smashed my lips against his. When we pulled away he looked a little shocked but his expression soon changed from shocked to extremely happy.

"Goodnight Vic." I said as I walked towards his door.

"Goodnight Lay." He replied as I walked out of his room, closed the door behind me and made my way to my room. I climbed into bed and I soon fell into yet another deep slumber.

"Wake up Laylah, I need to talk to you about something." I heard someone say as they gently shook me awake. I opened my eyes to see Kellin standing at the side of my bed.

"What's up?" I say as I sit up and pat the side of my bed so Kellin can sit down.

"What happened between you and Vic last night? Because he has just informed me that he has feelings for you." Kellin replies after he sits down. I take a deep breath and try to explain everything the best I can starting with Vic telling me about his feelings for me and finishing with the kiss we shared.

"What are you going to do?" Kellin asks sounding shocked.

"I don't know, that's one thing I don't know." I reply looking down.

"Well whatever you decide to do I'm behind you one hundred percent." He says putting his arms around me.

"Thank you Kellin, it means a lot." I reply as we separate.

"Anytime sis, now get your bum out of bed, breakfast is ready." He says with a grin as he pulls my blankets away from me. I let out a sigh and get out of bed. I put my slippers on and make my way into the kitchen to see pancakes on a plate. I grab a fork and start digging in. When I'm finished I put my plate and fork in the sink and make my way into the lounge room to see everyone watching TV.

"What are the plans for today everyone?" I ask as I sit down on the floor next to Alex.

"Well, Mike, Vic and Rian are taking Shaylee out, Kate, Kellin and Zack are taking Copeland out, Jaime, Tony, Bree and nearly all of BMTH and FIR are going out except for Ronnie and Oli, Ashley, Jinxx, CC and Jake are going to get food and stuff and you're chilling here with Oli, Ronnie, Andy, Fronz, Alex and I." Jack said with a smile as nearly everyone stood up and left the room. Mike, Vic, Kellin, Kate, Rian, Zack, Copeland and Jasmine were the first to leave, followed by everyone else except, Fronz, Andy, Alex, Jack, Ronnie, Oli and I.

"What do you guys want to do?" I asked with a smile as I grabbed my batman blanket off the top of the couch and wrapped myself up in it.

"Movies sound good." Alex replies with a smile as he pops a DVD into the DVD player. We all get comfortable and concentrate on the movie.

When the movie was over we decided to make a cake. Who knew making a cake with five other people was hard but, it was. We ended up getting flour all over the kitchen and each other and we also had egg everywhere. When we had cleaned up we decided we would actually make a cake since Jinxx, Jake, CC and Ashley had returned with the ingredients because we texted them and asked them to get flour and eggs for us since we used them all throwing them at each other.

"What to do now?" I asked as I shut the oven door and sat the cake down on the bench to cool down.

"We could go for a swim since it's a nice hot day and I'm sure nobody will say no to swimming." Jack said with a smile, we all nodded and I walked to my room and put my bikini on with a pair of shorts over the bottoms and went out the back with the others. We all swam around until it got dark. I'm positive we all had a wonderful time, I know I did. We all climbed out, dried off and made our way inside to see Kellin and Vic cooking dinner.

"About time you lot came inside, I was getting worried dinner would go to waste." Kellin said with a laugh before he pulled out some plates. I just shook my head at him and decided to have a shower and put some pyjamas on before dinner. Once I was done I walked out into the kitchen to see Vic giving Shaylee her bottle and trying to feed himself at the same time and Kellin feeding Copeland and also trying to feed himself at the same time. I quickly took a photo and grabbed my dinner before making my way into the lounge room, sitting down and posting the photo on twitter with the caption:
@LaylahBostwick: @Vicfuentes and @Kellinquinn being lovely daddy's and feeding their beautiful daughters, they look so cute! :)

"Really Laylah?" Kellin yells from the kitchen.

"Shut up and feed your daughter before your dinner gets cold!" I reply with a smirk.

"Has anyone seen Jaime, Tony, Bree and the others?" Rian asked looking confused.

"Nope, they should've been back by now." Ronnie replied looking at the clock that was sitting on the wall. Where would they be?

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