Chapter Eight

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(Two weeks later.)

Well it's been two weeks since Ian showed up and ended up shitting himself. I haven't been doing much just doing a few songs with PTV at every show. My twitter has been going crazy, I'm either getting hate, tons of follows or people sticking up for me. Kellin told me not to listen to the haters because they're just jealous. I guess he's kind of right. Today we're going to San Diego for a two week break before Warped starts back up again. All of us will be staying with Vic, Mike, Tony and Jaime. Andy and I have become pretty close, he's pretty much one of my best friends. I've also made friends with Oli Sykes, he's so nice. 

Anyway, I'm currently laying on my bed listening to music while we're on our way to San Diego. I'm actually so keen to sleep in a normal bed.

"You awake?" Kellin asks as he pulls my curtain back. The song I was listening to had just finished so I heard what he said. I took out one of my earphones and rolled over to look at him.

"Yup." I replied popping the 'p' and smiling.

"Would you like something to eat?" He asked with a smile.

"No thanks I'm fine, just wake me up when we get there." I reply giving him a quick hug. Kellin just nodded and closed my curtain. I rolled over and fell into a deep slumber.

I awoke to someone shaking me. I rolled over to see Kellin smiling at me.

"Wake up sweetie, we're here." He said with a smile.

"Want to give me a hand with my bags?" I ask as I sit up. Kellin nods and grabs my bags. He's such a sweet brother. We all climbed into the car and set off for Vic's house. The car ride was silent apart from me putting on music and Kellin, Gabe, Justin, Jack and I singing at the top of our lungs. When we finally arrived at Vic's we all jumped out of the car because it was a long drive and our legs were very stiff. We grabbed all of our stuff out of the trunk and walked to Vic and Mike's front door. I knocked and Tony answered the door, he took my bags out of my hands and smiled.

"You don't have to." I say feeling bad.

"I don't have to but, I want to." He replied with a smile. I gave in, only because he's so god damn adorable. We all walked inside and wow Vic and Mike's house was really nice.

"Hey guys, Tony do you want to show these people to their rooms?" Vic says with a smile.

"Sure thing." Tony replies before leading us into the hallway. There were six bedrooms. Gabe and Justin shared one and Kellin and Jack were in another and Mike, Tony, Vic and Jaime had their own.

"Where am I sleeping?" I ask feeling confused.

"You're sharing with one of us, we've already talked to Kellin about it and he said it was fine as long as there was no monkey business." He replied with a smile.

"I have an idea, I'll stay with you tonight, Mike tomorrow night, Vic the night after that and Jaime the night after that and it will go like that until we leave to go back on tour, sound fair?" I reply with a grin. Tony just nodded as we walked into his room. I sat my things on the floor in front of his bed and we went out to join the others.

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