Shipwrecked Chapter 21 (FINAL CHAPTER)

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Shipwrecked Chapter 22: The End Of The Beginning

<< Dan >>

The night air was unnaturally cold. My tears had stopped hours ago, my resistance was still strong. I had been thinking about things for a while, and I decided that we had nothing left to lose.

Lucy had had her fun; Lucy had had too much fun. Now it was my turn, and I knew what I was going to do.

‘For Carrie, and her brother,’ I thought in my mind.

Slowly, I stood up, careful not to make a sound - should I fail now, we may as well all die instantly. I gave one last fleeting look at Lucy. The moon highlighted the dips in her facial features, making her look like some sort of sleeping angel. If only the heavens knew the truth. She was asleep next to the spot I had just vacated. I sighed, knowing she would probably die out here, before bolting into the blackness.

I was going to find Carrie, and we were going to escape.

** Carrie **

“Carrie, Caroline wake up, please?” I heard someone begging. Their sweet breath lingered on my pale cheeks and their warmth radiated around me. Instantly, I knew Dan was back.

I sat bolt upright, the stick at my side now clutched between my fingers, ready to attack should the need arise.

“What do you want?” I spat into his face. I could barely make him out, but I could see his eyes. The endless orbs looked sorry, they showed love and happiness.

In that second, all was forgiven. In that second, I knew what he was here for.

“This is it, isn’t it?” I asked him. I saw him smile a relieved smile before answering.

“Yes, sweetie. It is.”

I threw myself into his arms, breathing in his scent and closing my eyes. Right then, I was happy, but I knew we had to move fast. We couldn’t be heard or seen by the blond devil.

Dan seemed to be sensing my thoughts.

“She’s asleep, but the sun will be rising soon, and then she will find us. Its now or never. We either invite death, or die trying to escape it.”

“Dan, it shouldn’t have come to this. None of this should have happened,” I said truthfully.

“I know, but hey, if none of this had happened, we might never have met.”

“Lets get out of here,” were my final words, as we heard the promising sound of a foghorn in the distance, and saw the lights of the boat glimmering over the water.

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