Shipwrecked Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Almost Dead

I looked at Lucy with daggers in my eyes, but quickly ridded myself of almost all bitterness. I couldnt let her think that I knew. If she did think that, she could do anything. She could probably kill us in our sleep. It was terrifying.

'Uh, uh.. hi,' I replied slowly. I didnt want to make either of them suspicious, but that was proving difficult. In situations like these, i just could not lie. She gave me a look, where her eyes were narrowed and her lips were pressed together, and then she just turned away and sat in the sun to try off.

Turning my back on her for the second (not a wise move but I had to), I decided to tell Dan. He needed to know, otherwise he could say something to make her mad. I knoew him and he would do that. Also, I dont think I could have lived knowing something that scary without telling someone. And seeing as he was the only other person on the island, I didnt have much of a choice.

'Dan,' I hissed trying and failing to make it sound normal, even though I was terrified that Lucy was at that very moment thinking about whacking me with a stick, throwing my limp body in the fire and thenpoking me with the stick that she had whacked me with. Shaking my head to get rid of those thoughts, I carried on.

'Come help me.. uh.. get something,' I said through my teeth, pleading with Dan inside my head, even though he obviosly couldnt hear me. (I had a tendency to do that, and it unsurprisingly never worked.)

'Um, okay,' He replied, obviously realising that something was wrong. I dragged him into the forest, deeper and deeper until I was sure that Lucy certainly couldnt hear us.

'Shut up and listen,' I ordered Dan just as he began speaking. 'When I went and got some fruit earlier, I decided to investigate around the back of your shelter, to see if the.. thing that had attacked you had left any, um, clues. When I looked I found this,' I told him, pulling out the piece of mangled fabric. As I waited for him to pick up the pieces, a startled expression passed across his face.

'I was-'

'Right?' I finished for him. 'Attacked by a crazy head? Nearly killed? Yes, all of those things are true. What are we gonna do?' I asked him, almost bursting into tears. We had lasted this long on a random island eating fruit and drinking stream water, washing in the sea and laying in the sun. And now we were gonna be slaughtered by a crazy girl who probably just wanted to survive too? It wasnt right. It was sick, demonic, wrong... but how were we going to stop her?

'Hey, hey it's gonna be okay,' Dan said, hugging me to him. He was warm and smelled like them sea, which was just what I needed in this situation. A tear running down my cheek, I tried to comfort myself and him.

'Yeah I know,' I lied. 'But what if she tries to attack you again? Or worse, tries to kill you? Or both of us? Or all three of us, she could commit suicide I'm sure of it, and..' I trailed off. I was becoming hysterical and nothing ever got fixed when I became hysterical.

'Calm down. Just calm down. We'll get through this together, I promise. Lucy isnt going to kill anyone-'

But Dan was interrupted by a sinister voice that no one wanted to hear right now.

'Talking about me?'

I gasped and fainted just as I heard Dan yell in pain.


Now I was going to stop there, but I thought that you guys deserved more. Please comment, vote and such.


Slowly, I opened my eyes. I instantly noticed that my wrists hurt. And they were behind me. I was tied up against a tree.

'Caroline? Oh thank God you're okay I was so worried! I thought you were never going to wake up-'

I interrupted Dan with:

'Where the hell are we and where the hell is she?'

'Um, I think the first question was pretty stupid, I mean, isnt it obvious? We're tied up agains a tree. Oh and I dont know she stopped watching me about an hour ago,' Dan replied. I couldnt see his face but I was sure it had a bemused look on it.

'How can you be so calm?' I exploded. 'We're tied against a God damn tree, with a psychopath probably plotting how to kill us slowly and painfully just because she caught us talking about her. I dont want to be the bearer of bad news but-'

'Ssshhh, I think she's coming back.'

I heard it too. That muffled crunching sound coming closer. I was praying for it not to be Lucy, although I knew it was. Who else could it be? I saw her emerging from the foliage with a pleasant smile on her face, as if she didnt have two teenagers tied up in the middle of the ocean on a deserted island after the boat she was on sank.

And then it hit me. The reason she was doing this, the reason she had attacked Dan. And the way we were going to escape. I didnt have much time to tell Dan. Ten seconds at most before she could hear.

'Okay, stay silent,' I ordered him. 'I got this, our life depends on it. Literally.'

'Oh,' It was Lucy. 'So the fair maden has awoken, has she?'

Now was the time to execute my plan. I had to choose my words carefully; one minor slip up could cost us dearly.

'Lucy, your parents are alive. I know where they are.'

This caught her off guard. She took a step backwards and I saw a glimmer of sanity in her eyes.

'Yes,' I continued. 'You heard me right. Un-tie us and I shall tell you where they are, I'll even show you if you want.'

I was taking risks, but I had to. Lucy nodded and came forward. She reached behind me and silently undid the knots on my wrists. Then she did Dan's. Slowly I stood up and, with the hand Lucy couldnt see, I motioned for Dan to get up aswell. She looked at him wearily, and then her whole undivided attention was back on me.

'Okay Lucy, follow me.'

She nodded and I began walking forward, slowly. I spoke to her as I did so, spouting random directions that I was going to use.

'..Okay so then we'll take a left, then a right just around that tree...' By this time Dan had already caught on and was waiting for the signal.

'...And then we go right again and RUN!' I shouted, punching Lucy in the stomach to give us a head start, before following Dan in the direction he was going.

I hoped with all the strength I had in me that this worked, that we could lose her. I heard footsteps coming up behind us, but I still ran as fast as I could, just a few steps behind Dan, waiting for that fatal moment when her nails clawed at my bare legs and brought me down. But that moment never came.


Hoped you liked it.

New chapter up soon.

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<3 Drama xx

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