Shipwrecked Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Slimming Chances

I want 5 VOTES people, otherwise no chapter 12! So press the little button on your right, and help me to climb the What's Hot ladder.

Also, there is a picture of what i imagine Caroline to look like. Tell me if you like it! (Or not . . . . .)



We broke our silent embrace, and he leaned forwards and kissed me gently on the lips. I couldn't help but blush, and he chuckled annoyingly at my typical girl behaviour.

'Don't laugh!' I snapped, but that just made him began to belly laugh. 'Ouch!' He yelled furiously. 'Hey, it was your fault, you started belly laughing,' I stated, a wide grin plastered onto my face. 'Lay down,' I ordered once again, as I realised that he had sat up. 'Fine Mrs Slave person,' He answered, and I was about to punch him in the gut, but remembered that I was taking care of him. 'If you don't shut up, I will leave you here to die,' I quickly spat at him, but removed the smile on my face when I saw his own features drop. 'I'm sorry, did that offend-' I didn't get to finish my sentence however, as he interrupted me with a quick 'Sssshhh! I can hear something.'

I opened my ears, hoping to detect some unknown sound. Suddenly, from the right there came the sound of what sounded like a foghorn, so I sharply flicked my head and looked out to sea. I gasped as I saw it, the magical wonder that was floating in the ocean. 'Look!' I yelled, a great big smile on my face. 'it's a boat, we're saved!' Dan turned quickly to see the magnificent boat. 'Not yet. We have to make it see us. Hurry, get a few palm leaves and wave them in the air, we don't have time to make a fire!' He shouted hoarsely. I obeyed my orders and waved half a dozen palm leaves around in my hands. 'Help!' I began shouting, but Dan stopped me, a sad look on his face. 'Its passed,' He muttered. 'We lost our chance.'

Sitting down beside him, I didn't try to disagree. It was the truth, and we both knew it. Sighing loudly, I spotted something large and black on the shore. As I walked cautiously towards it, I realised what it was. 'A bucket!' I shouted happily. It didn't seem like much, but to us it was the perfect tool to help us survive. 'Now I can fetch you water from the river. You wont have to get up!'

'Good thinking, my little minion,' He replied, a smile obvious in his voice. 'I may have to promote you,'

I growled under my breath. 'Yes,' I stated slowly. 'And I may have to throttle you.'

He chuckled again. Now that I think of it, he really did chuckle a lot.

'Ouch,' He retorted. 'I think that that type of talk might just get you a detention.'

'Sleep. Now,' I challenged.

'Okay,' He agreed surprisingly, and I couldn't suppress a smile from escaping my lips. Silently, I walked back to my shelter and was asleep before my head hit the leafy ground. That night, I dreamt of being saved, dreamt of being a million miles away. I dreamt of seeing my best friend, Louise Stafford, again. But most of all, I dreamt of seeing my family one last time. Because deep, deep down in my heart, I knew the truth.

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