Shipwrecked Chapter 17

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Shipwrecked Chapter 17: Forgetting

I gave up.

He knew I would.

I was sat there, patiently waiting for him to realise that I wasn't saying "I'm hungry" over and over again for no reason, when I saw the amazing sunset. It was way better on this side of the island than on the other side as the trees weren't in the way. It was amazing, all the beautiful rays bouncing off the ocean like glinting eyes watching over us.

And I forgot I was waiting for madness to take me alive.

So, I got up - also forgetting our current, almost dead situation - and jumped around energetically, grinning like the Cheshire Cat and pointing. Shouting at Dan to look and being happy for the first time in a while.

"I knew this 'acting like I don't care' charade would wear of as soon as you saw something inspirational. It was just a matter of time..." Dan trailed.

I walked over to where he was constructing two new shelters - first one for me, then one for him - and slapped him playfully over the head.

"Don't," I warned teasingly. "Just don't."

He chuckled, obviously not taking me seriously, and continued building the second shelter. His hands were now very strong and tough. I was mesmerised looking at them. They worked quickly, obviously wanting to finish the job before it got completely dark. His eyes met mine for a second and he smiled. But it didn't reach his eyes. I wasn't surprised.

I sat down, and thought. I had been doing a lot of that lately, and feared that that alone would drive me to the brink of insanity. Never mind, I thought. Nothing left to lose I guess.

I studied something other than my situation - my nails. I needed to take my mind off everything bad about where I was, even if that meant being shallow. My nails were short - I had made sure of that by biting them off. I didn't usually bite my nails. In fact, they grew quite long under usual circumstances. But these, obviously, weren't usual circumstances. I had bit them off so that I hadn't caught them on anything. It probably hadn't affected anything but... I wasn't taking any chances. Especially after knowing what had happened to my brother.

I tried not to think about it, but every time I did I felt a burning deep in my heart. I had to survive - if not for anything, anyone else, for him. I was doing this for him.

"Dan, I'm going for a swim," I stated. I don't know where it had come from, I guess my body wanted to swim. Happily, I obeyed.

"Okay, don't go too far out."


I couldn't help it, I had to add the last part, to bring some humour into our now dull lives. We needed some stimulation, anything to do! We'd eventually die of boredom if not. I pushed the thought away and promised myself that I'd find us something to do.

Smiling inwardly, I stepped into the perfectly blue, clear water, sighing as the cool soothed my feet. Slowly, I walked a few steps further into the ocean. Taking everything into consideration, I realised that to anyone else this was holiday bliss. To me, it was heaven on earth. My arms and legs were beginning to relax as I waded further into the sea, and I pushed forward and began swimming steadily. I began humming my favourite song, but soon realised with complete and utter regret that I had... forgotten it. Sure, I could remember the chorus, but it had been so long since I had listened to music. The verses were completely gone. I frowned. It was little and insignificant, but it meant a lot.

It meant I was forgetting things. It wasn't good.

Not much at all, I know. But two uploads in two days! I'm improving.

Lets hope I stay this way.





<3 Drama xx

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