Shipwrecked Chapter 16

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Dear all fans who read Shipwrecked,

I am so incredibly sorry. Sorry for not posting on.. Well.. Everything. Sorry for not being a good writer. Just sorry.

I understand that I've been terrible at uploading for a very long time now, so this is my formal apology.

I know that I've let the few people who read my works down, but I'm trying to improve.

Please forgive me?


Anyways... new chapter especially for Vampura who made me realise my mistake so thanks to you!

Here we go...




Shipwrecked Chapter 16: Inviting Madness

We ran as far as we could, and then we ran further. It was official - she was crazy. Absolutely insane. And I wasn't risking it. Nuh-uh, not a chance.

We stopped after about fifteen minutes when we were out of breath completely, and stood for a good five minutes panting and looking around, afraid that she was closer than we thought. It wouldn't be the first time.

I sighed through uneven breaths. Trust us to survive this long on an abandoned island, only to be almost killed by a crazy maniac. Just our luck.

Dan broke my thoughts and I was almost angry with him, but then I realised our situation and the anger lost all meaning.

"So, what are we doing? Running, walking, staying... crafting long wooden spears to pierce through Lucy's lifeless heart?" Dan said jokingly. But this was no time to joke.

"Dan, unless you haven't noticed our situation, look around. Where are we?"


"Yeah. And there's a psychopath on the loose around here! We have done well not to die already but honestly, this is ridiculous! And for your information we couldn't really-"

And then he kissed me. To shut me up probably, but it worked and I melted into him. Well, no. I just melted. I sank to the floor, and cried. Not loud, silly sobs, but quiet, let-it-all-out tears. I couldn't help it, this was too much.

"Hey, sshhh, its okay.." Dan comforted me. He picked my up off the dirty floor (not literally, but he helped me up) and then began walking towards a light at the edge of the trees, one arm around me.

It was getting dark by now and we needed to find refuge quickly. We emerged from the trees, obviously at the opposite side of the small island to where we began. I decided then and there that I hated this stupid island. I hated it, and everything in it. Especially myself, for letting all of this happen. Obviously, not everything was my fault. But I could have searched for my parents before I swam away from the ship so many days ago. I could have found them. At least we could have died together, as a family. I felt sick just thinking about it. Everything had changed. I didn't know what day it was, what time it was, I could hardly remember anything from home. Home, it seemed so far away, and it wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair.

"That's it, its over," I stated.

I walked slowly to the space exactly in the middle, between the sea and the forest, and I laid down. And I stayed there.

'Carrie, what are you doing?" Dan asked nervously.

"Giving up," I replied. "That's it, I'm done."

And I lay there, motionless. I promised myself that nothing would move me. I would eat if Dan would bring food, and I would drink if he could get the water to me. No stimulation, no action.

I was inviting madness.


I know it was short. I'm sorry!

<3 Drama xx

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