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** Carrie **

It’s been 60 years since the day I escaped, and every day I thank the heavens that I am still alive. The journey I had was incredible, but it came at much too high a cost.

When I arrived home, it was to discover that both my parents had died in the catastrophe. Obviously, I already knew that my brother was gone, but to see that my Auntie Sammie had invested in a joint headstone for all of us just made it seem final to me.

Of course, my name had to be removed from the headstone, much to my remaining relatives’ joy. My Auntie Sammie took me in and watched over me for the following years - although my little adventure had matured me enough for her to know that constant guidance wasn’t needed.

She died a while back, old age had took its course and it was her time to go. From the day I was rescued, my life has been good. I worked as a teacher - those kids didn’t know how lucky they were not to have to deal with psychopathic blondes or finding their own food every day. (Although, maybe the blondes were there, in miniskirts and heels to match.)

My being saved came at a very big price. Of course, the death of my family was a horrific ordeal. But there was something else, something that guaranteed children weren’t in my future.

While me and Dan were swimming towards the boat, something dragged him under, and I was not able to pull him back up. Nothing resurfaced, and I knew I had to carry on swimming.

Understandably, I was devastated. Dan’s death was tragic and unfair. He saved me, but I could not save him.

But there is one thing that will haunt me until the day I die. When Dan was pulled under the water, I’m still sure I saw a wisp of blond hair billowing away from me, and a white evil grin disappearing into the murky depths.

It is this that made me sure. Two skeletons rot side by side, buried under sand. Memories coursing through the water around them. Memories from when they were Shipwrecked.

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