Shipwrecked Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Bad Beginning

After what seemed like hours and hours, I finally felt sand under my perished toes. I gladly walked upon it until I reached the sand that led onto an island. Well, it was an island from what I could see: sand, sea and forest, forest, sea and sand. Great. I was hoping for at least a bit of civilization. But I guessed I got unlucky. I wondered whether I would ever get lucky again. It didn't seem that way. After walking the perimeter of the sea for a while, I stopped and contemplated what I was going to do next. I was starving; I hadn't yet had breakfast, but I was also cold and scared. Which one of these things could be solved? I went with the first option, as the sun was warming me up pretty quickly. I walked up the sand for a while, carefully observing my surroundings. I looked towards the desolated forest. There were trees of many sort, but the ones closest to me looked like coconut trees. I slowly walked up to them for a better look, hoping that I would be able to find something to eat pretty fast, (my stomach was screaming at me in anger.) Yes! Victory! I saw a coconut tree that had fallen to one side. It was still stuck in the ground, but it was low enough for me to climb without great difficulty. What was even better was that there was a coconut on it! I nearly jumped for joy just looking at the hairy round thing, but my celebration soon turned to frustration as I realised that I didn't know how to open it. I climbed up the tree, refusing to give up, and pulled the coconut away from the tree. I jumped down with ease and looked around for a means of cracking it open. It turned out that things were going my way, as there was a sharp rock a few metres away that looked like it could easily break open the hard shell of the coconut. I paced towards it and aggressively hit the coconut against it. However, my hand slipped and scraped across the sharp point on the rock.

'Ouch!' I yelled in frustration. 'Ow, ow, ow!' I looked at my poor hand and saw just what I had suspected: blood. And lots of it! I thought fast and, using the one hand, took off my t-shirt. I then tied the t-shirt tightly around my hand, so as to thin the blood flow. I remembered what the ruined t-shirt said. At this moment, I certainly was not loving life.

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