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Quatre (Four)

We decided to go to Cold Stones to eat some ice cream since ice cream is one of Alex's favorite things to eat. I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t get anything. Allie got chocolate ice cream and Alex got French Vanilla. We found a table, and then sat down.

There were a few minutes before we began to talk. I looked at Allie; she was wiping ice cream off of her chin. I handed her a napkin. Our hands touched and I felt this warm sensation that I thought I never had felt before.

I saw her expression and he eyes widened. She looks cute when she is in shock. Whoa, whoa I so have to stop checking out Allie. All I did was smile.

"So you told Damon huh? How did he take it?" I asked. I knew the answer from the note but I still want to hear her say it.

She looked at me and then looked away. "Can we go home?" She said quietly. I nodded. We headed to my car.

We got in. Alex still not answering to tell me. I am not going to pressure her or anything. We drove off home. Allie and Alex still eating ice cream. I faked complain that they were eating in my car. I am a neat freak so I am not a big fan for stains. We got home laughing like usual. As we got out the car, I saw a figure. The person was leaning on the porch of Alex's house.

We stopped laughing when we realized who it is. Damon. We got out if the car, Alex was trying to look anywhere other than Damon. Damon eyes met mine he had hate in them. Allie and I got quickly to Alex. "Do you want to talk to him?" I whispered for her to only hear.

"No...Yes...Maybe. I don’t know," she whispered back. Allie looked at Alex.

You don’t have too" We started walking but Alex stopped us.

"No...I think I should talk to him. To get it over with," she said. Her voice cracky she left our sides and headed for her house.

"Ok, we’ll be inside." I told her. I grabbed Allies hand, ignoring the warm feeling of her skin touching mine. I don’t know I feel like it…but I think I like it.

"Adam, do we have to go inside. What if Alex needs help?" she said as we were about to go inside.

"Naw I just said that so that we could hear what they are saying," I said. Allie blushed and I realized why. I was still holding her hand. I didn’t let it go, it felt so good to keep her close and I think Allie like it too.

But Then I started to hear Alex conversation and I think that is the only thing that is important now.

Alex Young

I walked away from Adam and Allie. I know that they weren’t actually going to go inside like Adam told me. I reached to Damon.

"What do you want? I am done talking to you." I said in a serious voice. If he was going to come back and say sorry it’s too late. I’m done.

He looked at me. “I want to talk. I am sorry, what I said earlier. I wasn’t thinking" he said as he brushed the back of his neck. He looks so cute when he did that but wait....I have to be hard to get.

Remember what he did to you this morning, a voice inside me said.

"Well I don’t. And you aren’t going to be easily forgiven," I looked at him in the eyes. "What you said this morning when I told you, I couldn’t believe you. That sweet innocent guy I met last year was missing. That Guy that I fell in love with was not there. Only that arrogant jerk that I thought was gone....but I guess not." I told him. I tried to clear my eyes from the forming tears. Stupid hormones. I looked away from him. I crossed my arms to strain myself a little.

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