La Danse: Deuxième Partie

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The Dance: Part Two

"Bernadette?" My heart started racing and I spun around to see Roxanne from the diner.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see Wally mouthing 'Bernadette?' At me.

Oh my god, what do I say?!

"Uh-" my head spun as I tried to put together a story. Who knows what? How much did I tell Wally? I don't even think he knows I have a job yet, and this is not how I wanted to tell him.

Screw it, I'll make it up as I go.

"Hey, Roxanne!" I pulled her into a light embrace. "You look beautiful!"

Although she looked a little caught off guard by my sudden affection towards her, she smiled at me.

I have never seen Wally look more confused.

"So do you! I didn't know you went here, what year are you?"

"I- well actually, we're alumni." Good one, Jinx! Why are they both looking at me? "Oh! Wally, this is my friend Roxanne, and Roxanne this is my," *cringe*, "date, Wally."

I noticed a tiny smirk creep on to Wally's lips when I referred to him as my 'date'. I'll definitely be hearing about that one later.

They shook hands and said 'nice to meet you', and then it was silent, until Wally started running his mouth.

"So, how do you two know each other?"

Roxanne looked at me puzzled, because wasn't it obvious? We knew each other from work. Now I wish I told him about my job. But then again, maybe I'm just making this a bigger deal then it really is. He probably won't even care.

"We know each other from-"

Actually, better not risk it!

"AHH-" I shrieked as I fell on my ass, for the second time tonight.


Evie's Pov

Ugh. I sighed and looked down at my- well, Jinx's- shoes. A large group of girls were gathered around Bart, laughing flirtatiously at some of his weird future slang.

This is how it's been all night. It's like he knows every single person in this school! Even teachers stop to chat with him! He's only been here a few months, so how's he already a celebrity?

"Hey, sorry about that!"

"It's fine," I faked a smile, "I didn't know you were so... Popular."

He mumbled something bitterly under his breath that sounded like 'define popular'


"Never mind. Do you wanna dance?"

"Uh... I don't know, I'm not much of a dancer."

"C'mon, it'll be fun." He assured, pulling me on to the 'dance floor'.


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