La Danza: Parte Una

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The Dance: Part One

Jinx Pov

This is it. Today's the big day! I haven't been to a dance since the Hive Academy. Oh, how I hate Cyborg... Wally and I decided not to tell Bart and Evie about out decision to 'chaperone'. They would not be happy. Instead, we
just figured we would try to blend in and just hope they don't notice us. And
looking back, this probably wasn't the best idea, but it's too late now, the plans in action!

I had Wally run to the tower and grab some of my clothes, since I didn't bring any dresses when we ran away(Evie didn't own any dresses, so she's borrowing one of mine). I would've went up to the tower myself, but Wally wouldn't let me, because he says it's 'too risky'. It's been a whole week since Evie and I 'escaped' and I think we're in the clear, but I guess you never can be too safe.

I've been working the really early shifts and the really late shifts at the diner, so the other two don't get suspicious. No, I haven't told them about my new job, or my new identity yet, but I plan on doing so soon. I mean, I can't keep it from them forever, I'm just waiting for the right time to tell them is all.


"You look beautiful!"

"I look ridiculous."

Evie was standing in front of the full length bathroom mirror in a long sleeve black dress and red platform heels that I lent her. I also curled her hair, but she wouldn't let me come anywhere near her with the makeup. She didn't even need it though, she looked beautiful, and I beamed at her in the mirror.

"Wally, you can come in now." The door burst open and Wally flew in, and stared at Evie with wide eyes.

"Laugh all you want. This was her idea, not mine." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Evie, you look- amazing."

"See, I told you!"

"You guys are just saying that to be nice." She mumbled under her breath and started to walk away, but Wally pulled her and me into a group hug.

"Aw, Jinxie, our little girl is growing up."

"It feels like just yesterday we were tying her shoes, and now look at her- going to the semi-formal!" We both pretended to cry like emotional parents.

"Guys, stop it!"

*ding dong*

"Ooh, I wonder who that could be!"

"Please, for once can you not be super embarrassing?"

"Us? Embarrassing?" I pretended to look very offended, and Evie groaned and rolled her eyes.

She opened the door to reveal Bart in a nice suit and black converse, with his hair combed back.

"Wow Evie, you look totally crash!"

"Uh- thanks, Bart. You too."

"Ready to go? My grandmoms in the car."

"Yup, one second." Evie turned and pulled me into a quick hug. "Bye Jinx." Then She let go and hugged Wally. "Bye Wally."

"Bye, have fun tonight!"

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