Meet Evie

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A/n: So, the other day my older brother let my little sister, Astoria wear her power ranger costume to school, and the principal emailed my mom, but he mixed the names up and ended up saying 'Xanna arrived at school today wearing a 'Power ranger' suit and carrying plastic weapons...' And my dad thought it was so funny that he printed the email out and now it's taped to my fridge

Jinx Pov

I slumped into my room and threw myself on my bed. It has been a looong day. It was freezing in my room! Did I leave the window open? Ugh I can't believe I did that.

I tore myself from my comfy bed to close the open window. I had to stand on my tippy toes to reach it. Once I pulled it closed I found a little note stuck to it. I pulled the note off and read it to myself

'I figured you would need a replacement by now.

Before I even looked I knew what he was talking about. And sure enough three roses now sat in the vase. I smiled in spite of myself and tucked the note into my sketch book.

Kid flash is such a creepy stalker. An attractive funny creepy stalker. NO! Don't think that Jinx! He's the enemy and you hate him. Ugh. I wish I never even met him. I was completely fine with being a vileness before he came along and messed everything up! Maybe if I-

*knock knock* "Jinx? You in there?"

"Yeah, Seemore. What is it?"

"Phones for you."

"Ok" I sighed and walked all the way to the large computer screen that is used for video calls. I was surprised to see one of my old professors from the H.I.V.E Academy on the screen.

"Hello Jinx."

"Professor?" I kinda phrased it as a question.

"I called to inform you that a young girl will be arriving at the tower. You will train her, Jinx. Her powers are similar to that of yours."

"What?! This is really late notice!" No I can not handle a kid.

"This will be a good opportunity for you, Jinx. She will be around at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Wait, but I-" the screen went black. Great, just great. Of course I got stuck babysitting. And how am I supposed to be able to teach her to control he powers? I can barely control my own powers.

I spent the rest of the night cleaning the tower and stressing out about everything. I must have dozed off on the couch because I woke up to a knock at the door. I knew none of the boys would get it, so I walked lazily to the door, straightened out my dress and opened the door.

Standing in the doorway was a girl, maybe a few years younger than me, and a man in a suit wearing dark sunglasses. The girl looked completely normal. She had shoulder length blonde hair and blue-grey eyes. She wore an old Metallica shirt that was more like a dress on her, with leggings and converse. How could she be like me, but still look like an average girl. She was probably prettier then the average girl! How come I have to look like a freak?!

"Hello." I put on a fake smile.

"Hi! You must be Jinx! I'm Evie."

"I, uh- yeah I'm Jinx..." Wow I'm so awkward..

"Cool! Thanks for... ya know, training me."

"No problem. Come in" Evie stepped, but the man in the suit stayed completely still. Hah he looks like a statue.

Evie gave him a look "C'mon, Henry she won't bite! Will you?" .... Oh! She's talking to me.

"Who me? No, I won't bite."

"This is where I leave you, Evie." The man said in a really deep voice. He handed the little blonde girl her bags but she dropped them at her sides.

"Thank you, Henry." Evie stepped forward and hugged him. Henry looked surprised at first, but patted her back.

"Be good for me Evie."

Evie smirked at him "Don't count on it. I'll write to you!" Then they did this long complicated handshake that ended in them fist bumping and going 'whoooooosshhh'. I smiled and shut the door behind Henry.

"Who was that?"

"Henry? He works at the academy. He's kinda a... guard I guess you could say?'

"Ah. You guys were pretty good friends, huh?"

"Henry was my only friend there." Evie looked at her feet.

"I'm sorry. It's tough, at the academy." I desperately wanted this kid to like me, maybe this was some kind of test, and if I passed I could get outta here, and prove myself to people like Madam Rouge.

"Yeah. Sometimes when kids were bothering me, Henry would put exlax in their lunch, or nair in their shampoo." She cracked a smile and I giggled a little.

"Exlax in their food? That sounds a little harsh don't ya think?"

"Well I am training to be a villan... and they had it comming!" Me and Evie both started laughing.

"I'll have to use that on the guys sometime... They have the craziest prank wars," I looked around to make sure no one was listening and I lowered my voice to a whisper ", don't tell them, but I always join in without them knowing. They have no idea I'm the one putting itching powder in their beds, and dying their hair green in their sleep!"

"Don't worry I won't tell! But you're gonna have to let me get in on that sometime."

"Deal." We shook on it and started laughing again. It was nice to have another girl in the tower. "C'mon I'll show you your room.


I showed Evie every room in the tower, now we were sin tin in my room, talking about bands and stuff. After a while it got silent and Evie stood up and walked over to my nightstand, where my roses sat. I watched closely as she examined the flowers. She turned around with a huge smirk in her face.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" Crap.

"W-what are you t-talking about?"

"He must be quite the gentle man to bring you roses, so I'm guessing it's not one of the five?"

"I- uh,"

"You can tell me, Jinx. I swear I wouldn't say anything." She sat next to me on the bed and gave me a soft smile, and for some reason, even though I just met her, I feel like I can trust her.

"Okay. His names Kid Flash. We're not like together or anything, he just keeps bringing me flowers. Oh, and he's a good guy."

Evie smiled and nodded...? I thought she would've been disgusted with me and left.

"So are you gonna switch sides or something?"

"No! I- I don't know what I'm gonna do..." I rubbed my head, hoping it would make the stress go away. Evie must've noticed I didn't wanna talk about this subject  because she started smirking at me.

"SoooOO..... Is he cute?" She wriggled her eyebrows and I couldn't help but laugh.


"Well? Is he??"

"He- he has these blue eyes, and when I look at him, I feel like all my problems are just... Gone."

"Aww! Somebody has a crush!"

"Shut up." I turned my head so I was looking at the wall.

"Jinx and Kid Flash sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." She sang, tormenting me.

"I swear one day I will get you back!" I said as I pushed her out of my room. "Get some sleep. We're training tomorrow."

I shut the door and payed down on my bed. The day went so fast... I smiled to myself as I thought about Evie. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad training her...

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