•Holiday One Shot #2•

377 19 38

Jinx Pov as usual

I quickly looked to both sides of me, making sure I was not being followed, before flicking my wrist, making the door knob sparkle with pink bolts of energy, and slowly twist open. I tiptoed through the door, and gingerly closed it behind me. It must be my lucky day. No alarms!

Once inside the department store, I made my first round, zapping every security camera in the place. Once I was sure I wasn't being watched, I grabbed a cart and started my shopping. Right away I spotted the new game Billy wanted, and cringed when I saw the price. $59.99. I can't believe some people actually pay for this! I tossed it in the cart.

Slowly I crossed all 5 of the names off my list. Gizmo got a new laptop(which he would most likely take apart and put back together, rather than actually using it), Seemore got new headphones, Mammoth got 37 slim jims(would've got more, but that's all they had.), and Billy Numerous got the newest version of his favorite racing game. Kyd Wykkyd is always the hardest person to shop for. I continued to look, even though he constantly told me not to get him anything, even though he knew I would.

Our Christmas went the same every year: We would all meet in the main room, at about 10:30. The boys would sit around the tree I stole and decorated by myself, and open the gifts I bought them, while I make hot chocolate and bacon and eggs for breakfast. Kyd Wykkyd would watch them silently from afar. After they all opened their gifts(including Kyd) they would all kiss me on the cheek, and say 'thanks, Jinx!' I never got anything in return. After that, they ate their breakfast, and headed out for the day. The only person who's really religious is Gizmo, and he celebrates Hanukkah(but, of course, he always participates in our Christmas tradition anyway), so as custom, the boys go out to see whatever new movie is playing, then have Chinese food for lunch/dinner. I'm usually still cleaning up the mess from the day, so I don't go. This year would be no different.

"What do I get Kyd Wykkyd?" I asked myself aloud, as I picked up and examined a thin silver watch. Would he like a watch?

"I would suggest getting him a bell; you can never hear that guy coming!"

"Huh-?" Before I could even blink, the watch was out of my hand, and back in its glass case. I knew the only person it could be. "Kid Flash," I growled.

"That's my name," I slowly turned around to see him sitting on the marble countertop, "and don't wear it out." I rolled my eyes dramatically.

"So, I guess you're here to reprimand me, and try to convert me or whatever. I'll save you the trouble." I flicked my wrist, causing him to flip backwards off the counter and onto the ground. He got back up with a goofy looking grin on his face, and I raised my eyebrows. "Enjoying yourself?"

"As long as I'm with you."

I rolled my eyes again, but I could feel my cheeks heating up. Smooth af. "Let's cut to the chase."

"Christmas shopping?" He asked, completely ignoring me.

"Yeah, for the boys."

He shifted through my cart, examining each of my gifts. "Very nice," he nodded approvingly (as if I needed his approval!), and looked right at me, "What are the boys getting you?"

"They don't need to get me anything." I explained nonchalantly.

"Have they ever gotten you anything?"

"No- bu- wait, last year they made me a card for my birthday. Well, they were four and a half months off, but.." I ended the sentence by fading out awkwardly.

He looked at me with guilt plain on his face, and I scoffed. "Don't go feeling sorry for me or anything," I crossed my arms and turned the other direction, "it's not like I care."

He didn't say anything for a little while, so I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He was on his phone/communicater thingy.

He hopped off the counter, "I gotta go."

"What, you're just letting me off? Where are you going?" I questioned.

"There's a- a fire. On 5th and Diamond. I gotta go." And with that, he was gone.

Must be my lucky day. I grabbed the watch back out of the container, threw it in the cart, and got out of the store as quick as possible.

I hurried down the dark streets. Although they were pretty empty, a girl dressed in all black, pushing a shopping cart full of expensive stuff looks suspicious.

On my way home, I happened to pass 5th and Diamond. No fire anywhere to be seen..

I smiled to myself and whispered a 'thanks, Kid Flash' under my breath.

*******Time skip to Christmas********

The boys already headed out for the day. Movies and Chinese, the Christmas ritual. This year had been no different than the last, and I was just cleaning up the mess of wrapping paper around the tree.

I picked up a large ball of gingerbread man patterned paper, but to my surprise, there was something under it. A small green box with a thin red ribbon was sitting under the tree. Curiosity getting the best of me, I picked up the box, and read the little tag.

~To Jinx

Did the boys actually get me something?

I carefully unwrapped the box, and opened it. Inside was a beautiful gold locket. Engraved on the front, was a rose. It was the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen.

Putting it around my neck, I examined myself in the mirror. Nobody has ever given me anything like this before. And I knew exactly who it was from.

"Merry Christmas, Kid Flash." I whispered to myself.

A/n: Hey guys! I am soooo bad at updating:\ I wanted to update yesterday but my brother got a movie, and I would've updated earlier today, but I had detention..

Anyways, I hope you had a happy Hanukkah to those of you who celebrated it, and for anyone who celebrates Christmas, get excited!!! It's almost here!!:)



(Also, I hope you enjoy Dominic the Donkey. My second oldest brother is named Dominic and we sing this at him nonstopXD)

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