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I run home, feeling the urge to cry.

Had I really just lost my best friend? Over that?

I push open my front door, bolting to the stairs, "Sweetie!" My moms calls and I turn around slowly from the bottom of the steps.

"What, mum?" I sigh, trying not to look as if my heart is aching.

"I think you should sit down," she smiles warmly and I look at my dad questionably.

"Honey, we're moving," She says and I feel my stomach sink.

"What!? Where?" I stand up.

"Calm down, your father's job requires us to move to London."

"No! We can't move, I want to stay here in Bristol!" I start to cry a bit.

I never cry but...

Today's just been a bad day.

"It's only-"

"Across the country!" I finish for her. I might be being a little dramatic seeing that the UK isn't that large, but I'm upset.

"I'm sorry sweet, but this is a very good opportunity for our family," she says softly.

"Does Charlie know about this?" I ask and they shake their heads. Charlie is my seven year old brother.

"You're not even going to let him have a say?!" What the heck?

"The decision is final," my dad says sternly.

"This is so unfair," I shake my head then run upstairs. I flop onto my bed and cry into my pillow, not knowing what to do.

I've lost what matters most: my home and my best friend.

"Viva?" A voice calls from my doorway.

"Go away, Charlie," I mutter.

He crawls up on my bed and I sit up, facing him, "What's wrong?" He asks.

"They're moving us, Char!" I exclaim.

He tilts his head in confusion, "We won't live here anymore?" He frowns.

"No, we're moving to London," I sob.

"Oh..." He says, looking unaffected.

I let him hug me like he always does, then he runs out of the room.

I spend my night crying.

My dad walks in to tell me to start packing and that we'll be on the train by next week but I don't move at all.

I feel lost. So lost.


I walk into school, terrified of seeing him. What's it going to be like? Do I tell him about the move?

No, he's better off not knowing, he's done with me anyway.

I eat on my own that day and he eats with his other 'intellectuals' during lunch period.

He glances at me from time to time but I pretend to ignore his existence.

I can't say goodbye. Not like this. Not when he hates me. It'd hurt even if we were in good terms.

But, I will say hello.

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