C1~ The Prison

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"Come on we need to keep moving!" I yell to the group of people trailing behind me. The only thing I could hear was the loud pump of my heart against my chest and the distant growls and hisses.

"Ahhhhhh" I hear a high pitched scream from behind me.
I hesitantly turn to see Celina with blood gushing from her neck and a biter chewing on her flesh.
Bryden was already crying, Spencer was holding him back telling him not to help.

I felt my eyes grow big and heavy, my skin began to crawl. We've lost too many, we need to get to a safe place!

Another biter came up from behind Celina and bit her on her arm.

Suddenly there was a crowd of them surrounding her, David tried to help, but it was too late she was gone.

"Just leave her! We need to keep moving!" I exclaim to them. They nod and we keep moving forward.

I could see a tower in the distance, it was only a kilometre or two. We could make it! We could finally rest! Our legs have grow weak and tired we need a place to relax and take shelter.

We were close I could see an opening in the trees, I felt a smile creep into my face. This is the first time I've been happy in a long time.

We're were almost to the opening when two biters came from the trees beside us, one attacking David and the other attacking me.

I swiftly drew my dagger and slid it through the flesh eating monsters head. David on the other hand was struggling to defeat the biter.

Naomi drew her gun but I quickly stopped her, " Don't shoot it'll attract more!"

"You can't tell me what to do!" She yelled, she went to put the gun away but being the carefree person she is accidentally pulled the trigger and a loud bang echoed throughout the forest. The bullet hit nothing but the ground. A good thing. But if she was going to be carefree she could've at least killed the biter.

David launched a knife through the head of the lifeless body and forced it to the ground. Then he led us through the opening.

It was beautiful, there were fences and gates and a large field where Lacy and Lexi could play. It looked as if it was a prison. But I wouldn't know, I've never seen one before. That was when I saw it, there were people, and not dead people, real, living, breathing people. They looked worried frantically trying to figure something out, but I couldn't guess what. Maybe they were looking for the source of the gun shot Naomi had stupidity fired.
I looked up to one of the towers and exchanged looks with someone who looked to be a sheriff. He moved his lips, to which the noise I couldn't hear. And pointed over to us. Just then I heard a yell, "Hey, over here!" it sounded younger, not like an adult but not like a child either, it sounded like someone my age. That would be nice.
I look towards the origin of the voice and indeed it was a boy who looked about my age, 14. I smiled and starting to walk that way.

A couple biters starting heading out from the woods as we made our way over.

"Hurry!!" The boy said again.

We starting running and as we grew closer they began opening the gate.

We ran in and they closed it behind us, I then collapsed on the rocks knowing that I was safe from the biters. Know the only possible threat there was is these strangers.

I stood up and began to question them,
"Are any of you infected?"

"No were completely healthy," an older man said, he was missing one foot.

"How many of you are there?" I ask

"Quite a few, but not too many," the guy who looked like a sheriff answered.

"Wha-" I started but was interrupted by the sheriff guy

"How many walkers have you killed?" He asked

"You call 'em walkers? Huh,
Too many to count, a lot," I reply speaking for my group

"How many people have you killed?"

"4 overall.." I answered lowering my head.

"Why?" Mr. Sheriff asked interested in what I was going to say.

I swallow before muttering, "They would've become those things." I felt a tear run down my cheek and roll of my jaw line. I quickly wipe it away and look up to the group that kindly let us into their camp.

The sheriff guy walked towards me and stuck out his hand before saying, "I'm Rick, this is my son Carl" he pointed over to the boy who looked my age.

The older man spoke, "Hershel,"

A younger looking girl, maybe a couple years older than me then spoke, "I'm Beth," she then smiled and gave a little wave.

An Asian and a brown haired women then looked at our group, "Maggie" the girl said, "Glenn," the Asian man told us.

Then a woman with short hair spoke up, "Carol, nice to meet you!"

A darker women with dreadlocks then said, "Michonne,"

A man holding a crossbow walked down from the main buildings,

"Woah, who are these people?" He huffed

"They're new, be nice Daryl," Carol said and walked past him back up to the main building, "I'm going to go check on Judith."

"Who's that? Is she bitten?" David asked concerned

"No that's my daughter, she's a baby" sheriff guy I mean Rick inquired.

"awww! I haven't seen a baby in forever!.... C-can I meet her?" I ask, trying to still be polite.

"Yeah follow me," Carol calls to me, "I'll give you a tour too"

"Oh o-okay," I mumble and hesitantly follow.


TADA that's the first chapter! Really hope you enjoyed it, if you did! Push that star! Vote! Comment and Follow me, I'll follow back! 

The photo at the top is of Hope Summers she is played by Rowan Blanchard .

Thanks for reading!


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