C13~ Old Memories

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Carl's POV

This guy named Arron was currently standing in the barn trying to convince us to go to his "community" with him. I think we should go, they have food, water and ...walls. We need that. We've been out here so long alone, with barely any shelter. We need to be safe. We can't lose anyone else. I take Judith and start listening to the conversation.

"We parked up on route 16, we have a car and trailer. We figured if we could convince you to come we'd need to have a large enough vehicle to take you." Arron says.

Some people volunteer to go make sure he's telling the truth. The rest of us go outside and keep watch. I'm partnered up with Glenn.

We hide behind a fallen down tree from the storm last night. I keep my gun pointed out at the forest in front of us, but my mind was focused on Hope.

"Hey man, you okay?" Glenn asks looking over to me.

"Not really, I can't stop thinking about Hope. She could be dead right now and I wouldn't even know. I mean what if she's out there right now. What if she's fighting off a walker right now. And all I can do is sit here a point my gun at trees." I pause shaking my head, "I just want this place, this community to be a new start for us. Who knows, maybe she's even there."

"Hey," Glenn says making me look at him, "You'll find her. You have to. I found Maggie, when I had no hope. You can not give up. Things will work out for you," he looks back to the forrest, "I know they will."

I smile, I can only hope that's true.

*time skip*

We decided to go to this place called Alexandria. We needed it.

We were currently getting in the cars. I was in the trailer with everyone except, My Dad, Michonne and Glenn. I sat down on a seat with Judith in my arms. I look down at her and smile. She smiles back at me, which makes my smile grow bigger.

After about a half an hour of driving. We got separated from the others, there was a giant herd of walkers on route 23. We saw a flare and thought it was them so we followed it to a small building beside a water tower. We saw a man trapped under a car with walkers surrounding him. We all immediately start helping him. After he leads us into the building and Maggie goes to help him tend his ankle.

I set Judy down on a cot and lay beside her. I let her drift to sleep while I stare at the ceiling worrying about the others. If they didn't send the flare. Hopefully they saw it and are coming.

That's when I heard, "My son?!"

I knew it was Dad, I rushed out, giving Judy to Sasha on the way out.

I run to him. He hugs me and I hug back. Thank god they made it. Arron runs right past is and into the room Eric is in.

We all go in and try to get some rest.

*In the morning*

We had just left the building we stayed at last night. We headed down route 16 this time. It was safer.

"Are we almost there?" Michonne asks Arron who was sitting in back seat seat with Dad driving.

"Yeah, we should be there in less than two minutes," he says smiling.

She nods and looks back at the road.

"Oh, take a left up there," Arron says pointing down the street on the left.

We turn down the road and come to a gate. We're here.

Dad looks to Michonne, she nods and then he looks to me and smiles.

I open the door and step out of the car.
Dad picks up Judith.

Arron starts talking to me, "I think you'll like it here. We have a lot of kids your age. We actually brought in a girl about your age a few months ago. She loves it here already,"

My eyes widen, my heart drops. Could it be.... Hope?

I look over to him.

"What's her name?" I ask him as the gate opens and we all step inside the walls. I stare at him anxiously.

"Her name is, Hope,"

My lips form a smile and my eyes light up. I felt a pat on the back and I look to Glenn. He heard it too. I look to my Dad. He was smiling too.
Some guy started talking to us, but I didn't pay attention, all I remember hearing is, "Who's Deanna?" From a certain ginger. Then all I felt was the wind against my skin as I ran down the streets of this unfamiliar place.

That's when I saw her. I stop in my tracks. She was standing with another girl and a boy. She was laughing like a crazy person, I missed that. The light from the sun was reflecting off her wavy hair, perfectly cascading down her shoulders.

I started laughing at her laughing. That's when I couldn't hold it in any longer, I yell out to her,




Hehe a cliffhanger just for you guys! Love you! And I'm really sorry about the short chapter... But I need to get on with the story!!! Meh.

Omg Happy Belated Valentines Day!
And did anyone see Season 6 episode 9..... Literally best episode ever! And I cried the whole time!

I hope you liked this chapter, if you did
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Thanks For Reading

~ Kayla

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