C6 ~ One Little Incident

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It's been an hour or so since I found out Carls in love with me. It took some getting used to, but now when he tells me I'll be prepared, and hopefully won't lose my shit again. I'm now walking to the counsil to ask to go on the run, their leaving in about 25 minutes so I'll have time to get ready if I can go. I knock lightly on the door to the conference room. Some one opened it almost immediately. 

"Hope, What do you need?" It was Glenn. Glenn had been the closest adult to me here besides Maggie.   

"I was wondering if I could go on the run today, I think I'm getting a bit rusty and need to be out of here for a while." I say politely giving him the subtlest puppy dog eyes ever. 

"Yeah, It's fine with me," he turned back and I peeped my head in to see too. Every one nodded and then Glenn said, "Looks like you're coming kiddo, go get ready and help Bob and Zach pack the truck." He closed the door leaving a little gap. I waked out of the prison grabbing my pistol and a hair tie. I see Beth reading a book, she's sitting on the rock Carl and I sat on when we hung out, no stop thinking about that. 

"Hey! Beth will you braid my hair? I don't want it in the way if we run into walkers out there." I half yell so she can hear.  

She turns towards me and smiles waving me over to her. 

I walk over to her and hand her the hair tie. I sit beside her an she starts to braid my hair. I know you're wondering, why don't I just braid my own hair? I never learned, my mom was supposed to teach me how to when we got how from our walk in the park. But that ... never happened. 

I remember seeing a girl probably about the age I am now with a beautiful fishtail and I said, "Mommy I wanna do that to my hair!" and then I started to twirl my hair weaving it in and out trying to do exactly what the girl had done to hers. My hair ended up being badly knotted. 

"There you go!" Beth announced. I look down to my shoulder and see a messy but stylish braid. (A/N: Photo of braid at the top)

"Thanks!" I say giving her a smile. "Yeah sure thing!" she said and went back to reading her book.

I see Bob loading the truck and I go to help him. 

~time skip~

We were outside the store now, Zach was trying to guess what Daryl did before all this shit happened.

He said, "Homeside cop" and I started bursting out with laughter and so did Michonne. 

"Hey whats so funny?!" Daryl asked almost offended. 

"Nothing it just makes perfect sense," I say trying to contain my laughter. 

"Yeah, it really does!" Michonne says. 

Suddenly a couple walkers started banging on the store window from inside. 

We started to head in Daryl killing the walkers. 

"Okay everybody split up, we'll cover more area quicker that way," Glenn says taking a shopping cart and heading down an aisle. I do the same, but staying with Michonne. 

Together we collect, another box of diapers for Judith, a lot of cans of soup, a few bags of spaghetti and three chocolate bars, I of corse called dibs on the Kit Kat.  We would've got more but we heard a crash and a thud a couple aisles over. We rushed over and saw that the wine shelf had fallen on top of Bob. Every one was trying to help him out when suddenly a walker fell through the roof but it's guts and organs were hanging it from the ceiling. I almost puked. then more walkers started to fall through the ceiling. Luckily most of them would fall and not be able to get up or their heads would explode everywhere. 

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