C4~ When Lights Burn Out

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The smell of rotting flesh was bursting throughout the room, crimson liquid covered the floors. I sat on my knees my head fixated in my hands. Tears slowly slipping down my cheeks. The biter, now laying lifelessly on the floor, looks innocent but just ate two of the sweetest little girls, that had been through too much.

I watched as Rick and Daryl carefully pick up Lacy and Lexis unconscious blood covered bodies and carry them out into the quarry.

I feel a hand placed on my arm, I slowly turn towards the hand thinking it was Carl. That's when I saw it, It was another biter. I stumbled back only to trip on the dead one. The walker fell onto me. I held my fore arm against its chest and tried to push him off of me. Suddenly there was a loud bang and the biter wasn't struggling to eat me anymore. I pushed the dead pile of flesh off of me and saw Carl standing in front of me, "Come on, let's get out of here!" He half yells but keeping it quite in case there's more biters. We make it back to the main room and lock all the doors. Rick and Daryl returned and started grabbing guns handing them to everyone except for me and Carl and Carol and Beth. Beth was of corse holding Judith so she was safe. When Rick skipped over me I resisted. "Rick, I wanna fight," I confidently inform him.

"No, if something happens to any of us, I need you and Carl here, to keep this place going." He states finally turning around. I decide not to argue about that because it's true. After Rick, Daryl and Glenn, Carl would be the next in charge.

Suddenly I hear the gate out front rattle. I look through one of the windows. The walkers were piling up all in one spot. We're probably going to have to fix that soon. I turn back to Carl. He smiles at me showing his teeth. I smile back a slight heat rising to my face. I'm starting to like it here. Let's hope that doesn't get taken away from me to.

~time skip~

When everyone came back they told us that there had been a hole in the north wall, and that's how the walkers got in. They said they fixed it by covering it and reinforcing it. After that we all kind of just went back to doing what we do. Maggie and Glenn went up to the guard tower, to ... well you know, we all know. Carl was reading comic books Michonne had brought back from one of her runs and I was reading over his shoulder.

Beth was with Michonne and Judith. And Rick was out in the quarry with Daryl digging graves for Lacy and Lexi.

I was lost in thought when Carl started saying my name.

"Huh?" I reply focusing on him now.

"Wanna come keep watch with me? It's my turn and honestly it gets lonely," he murmured almost embarrassed to say it. I chuckled at him,"Yeah I'd love to"

We walked out to the Quarry and sat down in the grass. We both had our pistols and Carl had a shotgun too.

He set it down in front of us in case we needed it. He started to say something but I got distracted by the walkers piling onto the gate.

"Hope?" He asked and I realized he was talking. "Huh?" I ask

He chuckled at me before saying, "you have a horrible attention span,"

"Yeah that's one of my biggest problems" I explain, a giant smile plastered on my face.

"As I was saying, you know I'm really sorry about Lacy and Lexi," he apologizes.

"Yeah, don't be it's not your fault, I shouldn't have let them wander off like that," I assure him

" it's not your fault either Hope, you didn't know, they shouldn't have gone back there....But on the bright side you'll start eating more." He says trying to change the topic, making me chuckle a bit.

"Yeah," I direct my gaze into his eyes. Him doing the same to me.

He starts to lean in making my heart drop, I've never kissed anyone before. Except my parents and I don't think that counts. What are you doing to me Carl, I'm having a panic attack. I try to stay as calm as possible. My body turns stiff, his face only inches from mine. He hesitates, his breath rolls on my skin sending shivers down my back. Is he trying to kill me.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks unsure of what to do.

A million thought of what's happening are flying through my head, if I say yes, he'll kiss me and I'll die and if I say no he'll hate me and I'll die, either way I die. What do I do, maybe I just walk away , get up and walk away pretend I didn't hear him, maybe he'll understand, I mean I do have the attention span of Dory from Nemo.

Without thinking I close the gap between us and kiss him. What did I just do!?

Okay now I know you're all expecting me to say, It's was perfect, I even saw fireworks, but I didn't see fireworks and it definitely wasn't perfect. But for my first kiss I will take it.

I gently pulled away and he looks at me his cheeks bright red, I could imagine mine were too.

"What was that?" He asks, almost shocked.

I was taken a back, did he not want to kiss me?

"It was a kiss?" I say unsure of why he was stressed out, " I thought that's what you wanted? You were the one leaning in!" I say defensively.

"It was what I wanted!" He yelled.

"Then why are you getting mad?!" I yelled back

"Because I was the one who was supposed to kiss you!" He yelled back at me, he really seemed upset, I started laughing at him, he's so cute when he's mad. I held my stomach because it hurt so much from laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked frustrated

"You're really mad because I kissed you?" I laughed at how funny that sounded.

"Well when you say it like that, I sound stupid," he smiled.

"If you wanted to kiss me so badly, you shouldn't have asked!" I say still laughing at him.

"Oh you mean like this?" He said, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Wha-" I was interrupted by his soft lips connecting with mine. I put my hands around his neck and he put his on my waist. He pulled back after a while to catch breath.

He leant his fore head against mine,

"Yeah, just like that," I answer his question still in awe at the kiss. A smile creeped onto my lips. This really is the start of something beautiful.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter, I really just wanna get on with the story because I have great plans for it and I wanna get to the part where the great plans come into play! So there's probably going to be two or three more chapters until the big attack of the governor comes, so that should be fun and YAY!

I just got back from
Mexico and it was AWESOME! I made so many new friends, and I miss them so much!;(
Symphony if you're reading this please don't judge me... -_-

So hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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