C15 ~ Normalcy

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Things have gone back to normal. The Walker count outside the walls has been fairly low. The only fatalities were Reg and Pete. I'm glad I didn't see it happen. I've been told stories and I think I would have puked.
Carl and I were with the other kids in Mikey's house, playing pool.

It's been I think a week since then. But I haven't been keeping track. Me and Carl were currently in the kitchen helping Carol make a casserole. We were making one for when Rick and the others get back from their run through of the Walker pit plans.

They found a giant quarry full of at least a thousand walkers. Well that's what it looked like they say. So they made a plan On how to make Alexandria safer by leading them all away. I hope they make it back okay.

Carl and I go upstairs to check on Judith. That's when we heard the screams.

That's when we looked out the window and saw the blood.

That's when we locked all the windows and doors and ran down stairs.

I saw Carol looking out the window, then quietly going over and locking the door. She turned to us panic lacing her eyes.

"Grab all the guns in here, what ever weapon you can find." Carol whisper yells to us.

"There is none, we're not allowed to have guns in our houses." Carl whisper tells back.

"I'm going to the armoury, stay safe!" She says, grabbing a handheld gun from behind her back. Where'd she get that? She unlocks the door and starts running across the streets trying to stay out of sight.

"Carl, I have to go help them. They're just killing those people." I tell him anxious for everyone who's clueless this is happening.

"I can't leave, Judy's upstairs." He says back to me, giving me a look telling me not to go.

"I have to," I say picking up one of the knifes from the kitchen drawer.

"I love you," I say kissing Carl before leaving.

"Love you too," he says back watching me as I follow out the same way Carol went.

I run across the street. There was a woman lying there with her arms and legs cut off. Gross.

I run past her. I see Carol killing one of them and taking their clothes. I'll leave her alone. I see one start to come at me. I notice it was a girl. Her hair was knotted and dirty. Her face was dirty and she had a 'W' carved into her forehead. I see she's running pretty fast and she has a small knife in her hand. I look around me for a game plan.

Dodge to the left under her arm and flip her on to her back, or swerve her arm to the right, in attempt to break it. She was closing in and I decided to dodge.

She was almost close enough for me to flip her when she was shot dead centre on her forehead. I look to my right to see who I assume to be Carol. She had one of these people's clothes on and a 'W' written on her head with blood.

She tells me to come here and I do as told. "Okay I'm going to save you, now shut up and give me your wrists."
She says forcibly taking my wrists and wrapping a rope around them, not too tight, so I can still escape and fight if needed.

She starts walking with me like a dog. "Thanks, by the way," I thank her while we're walking.

"Yeah you're welcome, now shush and play along." I zone out skimming my eyes over the chopped up bodies laying lifelessly on the ground. I wince at the sight and before I know it, we're in the armoury, stealing guns to use against them. We open the cupboard to find Denise hiding in there. Pointing a gun at us. She lowers it as soon as she realizes its Carol and not one of those murderers.

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