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"Have you packed yet?" My mum says while leaning on the frame of the door.

"Packed for what?"

"You are leaving tomorrow, do you remember what I told you earlier today?" Oh. Great.

"Uh yeah, I'll pack later"

"I'll come back and see how much you've done" I just faked smile and she was probably gone to make dinner.

Where do I start?

I picked out all my pairs of black skinny jeans which there was a probably about 20, I guess.

Now that I am finally packed up my mum comes.

"Just in time" my mum says while entering the room.

"Mum do I have to go?" I hope I get her to not let me go.

"Yes you have to, anyways you will get pay and you will make some friends along" She is kidding right?

"Ugh mum" I am tired even though it's like 10 o'clock

"Goodnight Mikey, See ya tomorrow"

"Goodnight mum" time to sleep, my favourite part of the day.




Third chapter:-))

I'm soo excited hahha :-))

Smile :-))

- Romina

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