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"Michael wait up!" Esmeralda yells.

"What?" I spat.

"Oh okay" she soon becomes kind of sad.

"S-sorry I didn't mean it in a rude way" I said while patting her arm.

"What's wrong?" She asks and I just looked down.

"It's nothing really" I said while still looking down.

"Michael I know I haven't known you long but I know there's something bothering you" she says while fidgeting with the zipper of her jumper.

"Esmeralda trust me there's nothing, I just wasn't too comfortable around Luke but I will get over it" I said while giving her a small smile.

"Alright if you say so" she said while smiling and looking down.

"Go inside okay?" I said while giving her a hug.

"Okay bye Mikey" call me cheesy but I love it when she calls me that.

"Bye Es" I walked off smiling.


"honey go to work" my grandma woke me up.

"Grandma seriously?" I groaned.

"Michael Gordon Clifford wake up now" not my full name.

"Fine fine" I got up, showered and got dressed.

"So how's your relationship with Esmeralda going?" My grandma asked me when I walked in the dining room.

"You mean friendship? Well pretty good yeah" I said, I knew what she meant.

"You two will suit each other" my grandma said.

"Grandma back in your days it was like a love story but the world has change and there's so many things that could happen- grandma I like her, a lot" I smiled down, but I will never get a chance.

"Look Mikey I can see it that she likes you, you just have to wait" she says.

"Grandma that's the thing, I'm inpatient and I get frustrated so much"

"Just wait honey, just wait" she stood up and walked to the car.




It's meee

I updated , short chapter but ... I updated

I'm sorry but I have to mention it. ... The Arzaylea drama is bothering me, I know if it bothers me then i shouldn't pay attention to it but it's everywhere so... Comment your thoughts towards her .

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Love youuu!

- Romina :)

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