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Beep Beep Beep

My alarm of course, Ugh.

8:30 am

My flight leaves in like 30 minutes, whoops I might miss it.


"Michael we are leaving in 20 minutes!" My mum yells from her room. Now that I think about it, my mum and I scream to each other a lot.

"Okay mum!" I yelled back.

I showered quickly, got changed and fixed my hair. (A/N You guys pick Michael's hair colour)

I was ready to go.

"Let's go" my mum says while standing at my door.

We got to the airport and i only had 10 minutes.

"Ugh mum I don't want to work" please change your mind mum.

"You are leaving and you are going to work and make some friends" the only friend I have and will ever have is Calum.

"Goodbye Mum, I'll miss you" I hugged her and I got into the plane.

Wish me luck.

Hairdresser | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now