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"Michael my dear!" My grandma says across the airport while running up to me and squishing my cheeks.

"Heyyy grandma" I said while giving her a hug.

"I took the day off so I could hang out and tomorrow you start work with me" ugh, what's with everyone telling me about work?

"Yay" I said sarcastically.

We got home and to be honest my grandma has a really nice house.

"Have you unpacked everything?" My grandma said while sitting next to me on the bed.

"Uh yeah just have a few things but I'll do that later" I said while writing lyrics.

"What have you got there?" She asks while pointing at the lyrics I am recently writing.

"Uh just um I'm writing some songs, not a big deal" the only person that cares about me writing songs is me.

"You know, people say that when you write songs it means you are in love with someone" do I even believe in love?

"Well grandma I don't love anyone and the only friend I have is Calum and no one would want to date me, I don't even think I believe in love and if I do I know the person I love will never feel the same I'm just some loser that writes songs, what a boring guy right?"

"Look Mickey one day you are going to come back to this day and say 'why did I say those words when I am here married with the most beautiful woman in the world?' You will find your love, one day you will honey you just have to wait" I don't know how to respond.

"I'm going to bake some cookies" typical grandma sentence, right?

"Yes please!" I said while I unlocked my phone.

To: Callum
I am now in Perth, miss playing Fifa with you :((

From: Callum
Same, I don't think I can resist 1 month with out you :((

To: Callum
You will make some friends I bet ya ;))

From: Callum
Haha so will you ;))

To: Callum
Alright I'm gonna go now, my grandma is making me cookies

From: Callum
Hahaha text me tomorrow and tell me how works goes tomorrow

To: Callum
Haha okay bye Asian

From: Callum
Ugh I'm not Asian!

Hairdresser | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now