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Today I am going to get my hair dye silver blue (A/N The picture is the colour that Esmeralda wants)

I've always wanted to get this colour and now that I can I'm going for it, not that I couldn't before but I just didn't have time.

"Babe what time do you have the appointment for your hair?" Luke asks from the living room while I am in the kitchen making breakfast.

Luke and I have been best friends since we were little and I'm so happy we still are, but trust me we are not dating we just really close friends and we call babe to each other in a sweet way.

Luke always comes to my apartment early in the morning only because I give him breakfast, just kidding. I don't even know why comes here early.

"Uh around 10:30, why?" I said while flipping the pancakes. It was 8 right now.

"I was just wondering, do you want me to pick you up?" He asks sweetly.

"Nah I'm okay, I will probably go shopping later so I'll let you hang out with Ashton" Ashton is my brother but let's just say I'm more close to Luke than Ashton, we had some issues which they are in the past but i can't get over it.

"Thanks" he says while taking a pancake from my plate.

"Hey! That's my plate, yours is over there" I laughed while pointing at the other plate besides mine.

"Sorry" I just smiled.

"Wow I'm turning 18 in a week Lucas" I said while sitting down and grabbing the maple syrup and whip cream and putting it over my pancake.

"We are going to have a big as party" the only people that would probably come is Luke.

"Yeah right" it will probably be a typical boring movie night.

Hairdresser | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now