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"Time to wake up!" My grandma storms in my room.

"No! Grandma is too early" I can't even open my eyes.

"Oh Mickey it's only 6:30" I have to go back to sleep.

"Grandma not now! Wake me up in another 4 hours!"

"No you are coming with me to work" work, really? "You have 5 minutes to get off the bed" 100 years later...

Well I did get up and ended getting change, typical black skinny jeans with black converse, video games shirt and my hair messy which I don't really care.

"Grandma what time do I finish?" I said while we drove to the hairdresser.

"You finished earlier than me only because I'm being nice, around 2" fair enough.


We are now at my grandmas hairdresser and it's pretty cool, everything is organised and it's pretty big maybe I could even dye my hair here during my holidays.

"So you will be working on this chair for the day" how am I supposed to work when I can't even cut my own hair? And yes I can't cut my hair last time I did, it didn't turn out well.

"Grandma I can't even cut my hair so how am I supposed to work here?"

"You will be fine Mickey, I will only have you to dye people's hair and I know you are good at that" I guess?

I will quit when I dye someone's hair to the colour they never wanted.

Hairdresser | Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now