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Michael's grandma came back 3 days later and everything is fine with her.

Calum sadly had to go back to Sydney with his girlfriend.

Michael and I talked about everything and he is staying here in Perth, Calum is coming to Perth for a surprise soon well be is coming to live in Perth.

Annoying Asian: Can u pick me up from airport ?

Me: fine

Annoying Asian: thank uuuuuuuuuuuuu

Me: calm down

Annoying Asian: I cant wait tho

Me: lol same

Annoying Asian: your the best

Me: you're*

Annoying Asian: shit not you again

Me: what time do I pick u up

Annoying Asian: like now

Me: tf I didn't know that

Annoying Asian: hurry ur hole

I got in the car and drove to the airport to pick up Calum, I thought he was arriving next week.

I got in the airport and there I saw him.

"Hey how's the flight?" I asked him.

"Yeah it was alright, I had to sit next to a man that was snoring the whole way" I just laughed.

"I feel sorry for you" I said while giggling.

"Well let's get going" he said.

We soon got home and I told Calum to wait because I have to call Michael.

"Hey Michael, are you free today?" I asked him.

"Yeah why?" He said tiredly probably just woke up.

"Come over please" I said.

"Be there in 10, love you"

"Love you too" I hanged up and I was still smiling, boy what does to me.

"So what did he say?" Calum asked.

"He is on his way I think" I said while taking a sit next to him.



"I'll get it" I said because someone knocked on the door.

"Hey" Michael said while smiling.

"Hey" I said and pecked his lips.

"Come in" I said.

"So I was thinking- Calum!"

"Michael brother!" Calum yelled while they tackled each other.

We soon talked about everything and Calum's parents bought an apartment for him, he also ended his things with his girlfriend but I don't know why.

Michael and I were going to get and apartment together even though it's really soon but maybe it is a good idea.


I think that's sucked idk

Double update xx

Going to bed now but please don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Thank you for reading xx

- RA🌙

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