Chapter 3

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The pain struck Luke like lightning, the gunshot on his arm. He had lost a lot of blood and death was something that he didn't want to think of. The strike, though, wasn't as bad as the thought that Samantha had escaped and had both a gun and his baby . His child. His only reason for life. Heartbeat fast, Luke wrapped his arm up and dialed 911.

"9-1-1. What's your emergency?"

"My ex. She shot me and took my baby. He's only 8 months, 12 days. Please, you have to fond him." Luke hung up. He imagined that if this was a movie, a song would be playing. A was song. And he would be crying. And the thought made him burst into tears and a song did come. A song of sirens and gunshots and loud screams and a baby crying and Luke heard Jacob say, "Daddy, me miss old man."

Luke stood from the back of the EMS and found his child. The doctors had disinfected his arm and taken the bullet out and Luke could be happy again, and for the first time, Jake called Luke Daddy. And even more specifically, he said, "Daddy! Lemme see ol'e man daddy!"

Luke ran to the crowd that had gathered around his house and found Jacob just as Samantha's dead body rolled by in a black body bag. "Sir? Are you okay?" A woman says after tapping him on the shoulder. "Your son, he- he's got... Problems. Anger issues. He- he shot that... Lady in the foot before officer Steven Martin got a head shot.

"He shot someone, sir. He said she needed to die because she hurt you. He really cares about you, but he shows it in an awful, awful way."

Luke stood, astonished. "What ever. He just wanted to be a little superhero. And he already was."

Luke turns to his son and takes him from Ashton's hands. "Hey, Baby Boy! How've you been? I heard you learned how to use a gun, Honey."

Jake nodded. "I hurt her." He says. "She hurt you. She very bad lady."

Luke gives Jacob a sad smile. "I know, Baby. I know."

"No." Jacob's says. "Me know. You not know."

Luke laughs. "Okay. You wanna go inside and eat?"

"Yeah, Daddy." Jacob says. "Food."

"Food." Luke says.

"Daddy," Jacob says when Luke lays him into his crib.

"Yeah, Jacob?"

"I'm sorry about that woman. But her was mean."

Luke nods, tears bubbling in his eyes. "Its okay, Baby boy. We'll be fine."

Jacob stopped talking and fell into his crib. "Night-night, Daddy."

"Night, buddy." Okay, so maybe it wasn't as bad as Luke thought it was. Yeah, they had hard times, but things always got better. They had survived Samantha shooting them, they could survive anything.

As much as Luke was concerned, they could do anything together. They were unstoppable. They would be inseparable. Until Monday, when Luke had to go back to work.

Luke shut the light off and went to sleep. Tomorrow was Sunday. They had a full day together. They would be fine, wouldn't they?

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