Chapter 11

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Other POV
Somewhere in Australia

"Hey, Honey?" Chelsea asks.

"Yeah?" I answer, lifting our sixth and only three month old child, Lucy.

"You wanna take the girls and Kaleb to school? They're late. And Evan isn't feeling good."

"Sure," I say. "Here, take Lucy. Melanie? Amanda? Victoria? Kaleb? Go get in the car. We gotta go."

"Ugh!" Melanie screams. "But I'm fourteen, the twins are thirteen, Kaleb's twelve and Evan's nine. It looks bad when our parents bring is to school. I won't be popular anymore!"

"And I'm twenty-seven."

"Dang!" Kaleb says. "That means when Melanie was born, you were barely fifteen."


"You must have been sleeping around!"

"No. I just... Got drunk at a party one time, okay?"

"I'm fourteen." Melanie adds. "Does that mean I can be like you and go get drunk and sleep around?"

"If you wanna die, sure. Go ahead." I smile.

"Mum?" Evan says on the couch, blowing his nose. "What does sleeping around mean?"

"Nothing, Evan. You guys better hurry. You're gonna be late."

"But, Mum?" Evan says. "What does it mean?"

"Evan, forget about it."

"Wait," Victoria says. "Did you meet the night that Melle was conceived?"

"No, Victoria." I say. "Just forget about it And get in the car."

"Mum!" Evan screams. His voice cracks wit effort. "What the back does sleeping around freaking mean?!"

"Shut the fuck up and pay the hell back down on that couch right this instant!" Chelsea screams.

Evan does as told.

"Mum?" Vicky asks.

"What the fuck could you possibly want!"

"When was I conceived?"

"That is not of your F-ing business."

"Why not? I wanna know when you two had sex and made me."

Kaleb and Amanda corrode in laughter. "Yeah, Dad. Mum." Amanda says. "When the hell did you two have sex and make us?"

"New Years, okay?" I say. "Melanie was in April, the twins where New Years, Kaleb was in November, Evan was July and Lucy was on your Mum's birthday."

"So that's how you celebrated?" Amanda says. "We were in America at Grammy Hood's."

"Maybe." I tease.

"I was in Michigan." Melanie says.

I give her the death stare. "And why the fuck is that?"

"'Cause I was at a party with my boyfriend. He's American."

"Wait!" Amber says. "Is that when you were telling me about how you lost your virginity?"

"And what the fuck is this shit I hear about Melle looking her virginity?"

"Yeah, she had sex with two different guys that night."

"Shit, Am... Why ya gotta snitch?"

"And how the fuck does Amber know this?"

"Because she fucking wants to." Victoria says.

"Why the hell didn't any of you assholes tell me about this?" Kaleb says.

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