Chapter 8

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Ashton's Perspective

"Luke, what are you doing to yourself? What do you think, drinking?"

"I think it's legal."

"And I think it's poison."

"Well who cares what you think?"

"Well you did about four hours ago."

"A kiss doesn't mean I care."

"Well I do care."

"So what? What do you care?"

"So four hours ago you kiss me, and now you say what do I care?" I scream. "Because I do care. And Jacob does care. And I'm sure Mike would care, too. And as much as I hate to say this, shut the hell up."


"Shut up and get in the passenger's side."

"But why?"

"Because your drunk, selfish, and you're acting worse than Jacob ever has. So shut up and get in the passenger's seat."

"Fine!" Luke says, slamming himself into the passenger's seat.


"Goodnight, Luke." I say, just after laying him down on his couch.

"Wait." He says. "I'm sorry."

I turn and stare at him.

Luke stands and walks towards me. "Forgive me? Please?"

I smile. "Okay. But you have to get into bed or on the couch or something, okay?"

"Fine. But promise me something?"


"You can't leave me."

I smile. "I wasn't going to."

Luke smiles, his breath reeks of beer. "Where are you gonna sleep?"

"I don't know."


Ring, ring!

"Huh?" Luke jumps up, holding his head in his hand. "Who- who is it? Who's there? Go away!" his words slurs together.

"Luke, may back down. I'll get it. You have a hangover. Go back to bed."

"But..." He kisses me.

"But what? Don't kiss me... You're drunk!"

"But I don't want to, and who cares of I'm drunk or not? I'm not drunk, I'm hungover, and if you'd have been drinking, you would've kissed me back."

"That's different though. Then we would smell and taste the same."

"Well I don't care how you taste."

"Well I do. Because alcohol is a disgusting poison."

"So what? I tastes good."

"And it'll make your son fatherless."

"If you kissed me back, I might stop." Luke smiles and stares at me.

"Why do you always do that?"

"'Cause I fucking want to."

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