Chapter 10

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Ashton's Perspective

"Luke, babe, don't you think you were a little too harsh on Jacob. He's four. He doesn't understand. He doesn't understand that babies have to sleep and that he's getting too big for some of his stuff. He is four and you can't be so sturn with him."

"I have to be harsh, or he won't learn."

"Okay, Baby," I say. "I do t know wh o taught you that, but its the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"Well I learned differently than you did. But he's my kid. And have you met me?"

"Yeah, but you are too hard on him. I can't even find him."

"Too bad, I'll find him later."

"'Too bad, I'll find him later!?'" I scream. "What's wrong with you? You're tearing this family apart!" I storm out of the room, towards Jacob's. "Jacob? Jacob?"


Jacob's Perspective

I don't wanna come out.

"Jacob? Jacob Thomas Hemmings! Where the fuck are you?"

"Naughty word, Daddy." I say.

Daddy Ashy sits on the ground in front of my bed."There you are! What are you doing down there?"

"Hiding from mean Daddy
He's a brat-hole."

"A brat-hole?" Ashton says. "I wonder if that's anything like an asshole."

"Naughty word!"

"Who cares? You okay?"

"No. Daddy Lukey's stupid and lots of naughty words."

"Yeah, but he's also kinda hot, according to one of our old songs." Ashton mutters. She's kinda hot tho.


Ashton's Perspective

"Luke, he made up words to describe how mean you are. You've been like that since the band broke up. What happened?"

"What happened?" Luke screams. "Well, I used to date Calum, and you know why the subject is sensitive? You know why I hate him? Huh? Because he was cheating on me with a woman named Chelsea. That jad four kidd together and one on the way. That's why we split up. Thays why the band split up. He has three teenage girls and two boys. When he had his first- Madelyn- he was 15."

"But he was 14 when the band got together."

"I know. His wife is 8 years older than him. That's why I'm like this. Now do you need to know anymore deep, dark secrets?"

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