Imagine (Riley)

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Your POV

*alarm rings* UGH. Well, it's only 5:30. I'm going back to sleep.

-1 hour later-

"(Y/N), wake up. It's time for school. (Y/N), WAKE UP!" my annoying brother says. "Leave me alone." I say terribly. Ugh, I have a headache and now my brother made it worst. 10 minutes later I felt an arm on my forehead. "You have a fever. Just stay home, you can go to school tomorrow, I'm going now I won't be home until almost midnight and mom is in the office. Sorry sis." my brother says. Aww he has a heart. Loljk. "That's alright, go to school now or else you'll be late." "Bye."

You stayed home all day, just in bed and watching TV. Good thing you can take care of yourself when you're sick because your brother really doesn't know how to take care of you and your mother is always at the office. *phone rings* "Hello?" you say as you pick up the phone. "Honey, I'm sorry I can't take care of you. But you can take care of yourself right?" "Yeah" You simply say. "Well since your brother can't, I asked someone to take care of you.I promise you'll like him." your mother says as she hung up. Him? what if he's secretly a killer? Oh my. Why couldn't she just get my aunt? Or somebody else.

Riley's POV

"Uhm alright. Sure I'll take care of (Y/N)." I say to (Y/N)'s mother. She asked me to take care of her. Well of course, I agreed to it. We haven't seen each other for like 5 weeks now because me and my brothers went to tour with Olly Murs. We just came back yesterday. And I might like her so I agreed. Oh who am I kidding I really like her, like really. super.

Your POV

*doorbell rings* oh no. he's here. Just incase he is a serial killer, let me go grab that bat over there. "WAIT A MINUTE" I scream. I hide the bat behind my back and opened the door. Oh... MY... FREAKING... GOSH... WUT.

Riley's POV

Oh she's still beautiful. oh my. "Uh.. (Y/N). Hi?" I say waving my hand in front of her face. Geez, I never thought she'd be this shock... and is that a bat behind her? "Uh why do you have a bat behind you?" I say raising one eyebrow. "Uhhhh. Hi Riley. Uhm I thought you were a killer so... yeah." she says. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You thought I was a killer?" I bursted out laughing. "Yeah yeah, so why are you here?" "Isn't it obvious? I'll be taking care of you. Go inside the house now." "Geez, okay. Why are you so bossy now?" she says.

All day, you spent it with Riley. Both of you joking around, him telling you about the tour, you telling him on how much he missed out since they left and many more. It was now 5pm. You and Riley were in the kitchen making dinner, you forgot about your headache and fever because of Riley. But hey, he doesn't mind. You were both just messing around when you suddenky tripped and Riley caught you. You were just staring at each other and started to lean in when..... "I'M HOME! (Y/N) did you make din- oh. What is this?" your brother asks once he came in the kitchen. You and Riley both let go of each other and blushed while your brother was just staring at you.... or more like smirking. "Oh hey there. Uh (Y/N) your brother's here now, I guess I should leave. Bye! see you tomorrow." With that, Riley rushed out of the room. "So what was that?" your brother asks wiggling his eyebrows. "None of your bussiness bro." You say blushing but getting mad because your brother ruined the moment.

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