Imagine. (Connor)

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Imagine. (Connor)

You were already in line to meet your idols, Before You Exit. First comes the M&G, Concert then Bus party. "Next in line please." You hear somebody say, you were next in line and you were heading towards Connor, Riley and Toby for the M&G picture taking....You were feeling like somebody was staring at you but you shrugged it off and started smiling for the pic. "Smile big!" The photograper says and you can feel Connor's arms around you and you blushed. "Hi! Thanks for coming." Riley said to you. "H--hi. welcome and thank you so much too!" You stutter. "So, what's your name?" Toby asks. "I'm (Y/N)" "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Connor says and you blush more. You catched Riley and Toby smirking at you so that makes you blush even more. "Okay then! I think it's time for me to go, see you guys later at the bus party!" You say. "See you!" They say in chorus.

-after the concert-

Connor's POV

The bus party just started and (Y/N) is already here. "Man, you're staring at her. It's obvious okay." Riley whispers at me. "What is?" "Oh come on big bro, we know you like (Y/N)" I started to become red a little.

-after the bus party-

"Go!" Riley whisper-shouted at me. "Go what?" I saw Riley and Toby roll their eyes at me. "GO GIVE HER YOUR NUMBER! We'll be staying here for more than a week so you'll have time to hang out starting tomorrow." Thomas said. "Oh okay."

Your POV

"Hey (Y/N)!" "Oh hey Connor!" I say. "Did you enjoy the concert and bus party?" he asks. "Of course!" "Oh yeah by the way, you know we're staying here for more than a week right?" I nod my head. "Well I was wondering if you'd uh to hang uh out tomorrow?" "Uh sure Connor!" "Great! Here's my number, I'll text you where tomorrow." He says as he gives me his number. HOLY GUACAMOLE I HAVE CONNOR MCDONOUGH'S NUMBER. "Alright! See you tomorrow!" I exit the bus with a big smile on my face and headed home.

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