Imagine for @BYEprncssck (Riley)

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Riley Imagine ♡


Riley tweeted "Alright guys! I'm doing a follow spree. RT this! :)" You RTed the tweet and even spammed him. After a lot of tweets to him, you gave up because he won't follow you. You went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and when you came back you saw that your mentions are exploding. You wondered "huh? why are so many people tweeting me?" you scrolled down and saw that Riley followed you. You were so shocked and screamed "OH MY GOD RILEY MCDONOUGH FOLLOWED ME" after that, you tweeted him "@RileyMcDonough OH MY GOD RILEY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE FOLLOW YOU MADE MY DAY I LOVE YOU" and a few minutes later, he replied! "No problem at all :)"

After the tweet, you decided to DM him saying thank you again. He replied and said "haha welcome again" you two continued talking on DMs, he knows your name now and his last reply was "Nice name, Chantelle. I like it :) By the way, I have to go now. Once we come back to the Philippines I promise I'll meet u ;)" you were so shocked at his last message and you just said "oh my god"


You and Riley haven't stopped talking for months now. But after 10 days he stopped. He didn't DM you anymore. You wondered why? And you said "I bet he already forget about me" you were so sad you didn't go on twitter for days, you didn't even know Before You Exit is coming back to the Philippines.

One day, while you and your friend were at Trinoma you decided to go to Starbucks and your friend said "Well, alright. Just text me where we'll meet later Chantelle" you just nodded. You went inside Starbucks and sighed because it reminded you of Riley. You whispered "Just forget about him Chantelle" to yourself. You ordered your drink and waited. The barrista shouted "Drink for Chantelle!" and you went to get your drink. You sat down at an empty table and a guy walked towards your table. You didn't recognized him because he has sunglasses on and you said in your head "Why would you even wear sunglasses indoors?". "Uhm excuse me... Is your name Chantelle?" The guy asks and you nodded and said "Yes, do I know you?" "Chantelle, it's me..." he whispered. "What?" you asked. He took of his glasses and said again "It's me." "Oh my god Riley" you said. "What are you doing here?!" you asked in shocked. "Didn't you see our last tweets? We said we'll be coming back" he said with a smile. "Riley... *sigh* I haven't went on twitter for days now I've been so sad you stopped talking to me I thought you forget about me." you said shyly. "What?" Riley said while laughing. "Why are you laughing?" You asked in confusion. "I stopped talking to you because I wanted to suprise you. Didn't I say I promised you we will meet once I come back? I talked to your friend and she arranged this. She knew you will go to Starbucks so she told me to go here at Starbucks this day while you two were shopping together." your jaw dropped and you were speechless.

"Riley I... thank you" you stuttered. "I don't break promises Chantelle, now come on! I'll introduce you to my bros" he said. You two held hands together while going to Connor and Toby. All of you bonded so well and became real close friends and in the end, you ended up being in a relationship with Riley after months of talking and hanging out when they came back to the Philippines.

The end. ((hahahahaha omg sorry if it sucks))


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