Imagine. (Riley)

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"(Y/N) WAKE UP! You're gonna be late for school!" your mom says. "I OVERSLEPT?!" you yell as you go to your bathroom and did your normal routines for school.

After 20 minutes...

Your POV

"BYE MOM!" I yell as I exited my house. I still can't believe I overslept ugh, I still haven't eaten. Well, school doesn't start for another hour so I guess I'll stop by at Starbucks.

(At Starbucks)

Ugh, not today. Darn there are so many people here. I went behind the last person and waited. Finally! 5 more then I get to order, thank god. I bite my nails anxiously as I mumbled "hurry up, hurry up." "Uhm miss?" I hear a voice. "Uh yes? Why?" I ask. "Here you can take my place and I'll take yours, I see your in a hurry." "Oh that's alright, I can wait for a few more minutes" I say. Wow. I gotta admit this guy is cute. "No it's alright. Here let's switch." He says as me and him switch places.

It was your turn to order and you ordered your usual "Thanks so much." You say turning to the guy "No problem, but you owe me something now." "What is it?" "Give me your drink" he says as you give your drink to him and he writes his number. "I'd like to spend time with you tomorrow since it is the weekend. Call me okay? And I'm Riley by the way." he says. "Sure. I'm (Y/N)" you say as you leave to go to school.

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