Chapter Sixteen- :) and :( [last chapter]

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Igneel's POV

Lucy finished explaining stuff to Natsu and the others.

"Lucy... I'm sorry." Natsu said.

"You've already been forgiven and I have a surprise for all of you!" Lucy said cheerfully.

"What is it Lucy/Lucy-chan/san/ bunny girl."

"This is fun and all, but why are we here?" Sting asked.

"I brought you all here for a banquet." she said.

"A banquet?" they all asked in unison.

"Yes, a banquet for us mages and dragon." she explained.

"Luce..." Natsu started.

"It's okaasan, Come on say it." Lucy urged.

"N-n-no way, I like calling you Luce!" Natsu said.

"Aww! So what do you want?" she asked.

"You never told us how I got my magic." he said.

"When we were training you eventually learned to use magic in that same body of yours cause you're immortal." I explained.



Lucy's POV

"Hey Lucy! You said you had a surprise for us!" Levy reminded me.

"I'm joining back Fairy Tail!" I yelled happily.

"Really! Then I am too." Levy said cheerfully.

"Us too." Mira said pointed at Romeo, Wendy, Cana and Juvia.

"And you can count me in." Iggy and Igneel said.

"And I hope you don't mind if we join too." Azaina/Keira said pointing at Zeref and Zerina.

"Of course! You all can join as S class mages." Master Makarov said with happy tears in his eyes.
Everyone cheered and got ready for the banquet.

After the banquet which was only for 12 hours which would now be 6 hours in the human world, we went back to earthland and went to our respective guilds.

As I entered Fairy Tail with the others something unexpected happened...














We saw Ichiga! *whole world screams*






Forget I said that I was just joking.

Stay tune for the next book(not chapter) I called I'll get my revenge 2 :p.

I've published first chapter. It's short but... whatever.

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