20. He?!

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"Meeeeehhhh." I moaned when the buzzing of my phone woke me up. "Hello?" I said sleepily into the phone. It kept buzzing. I looked at the screen and saw it was my alarm instead of someone calling me. Oh. Oh yea. I had to work today. Normally Ben would hire a band to play on Saturday and Sundays, but they couldn't come, and Ben didn't have any time to search for another one. So yea, I have to work from 2-6pm. I looked to the left and saw that Anna was still asleep. We had a sleepover as you probably already guessed. It was 1pm, but she was still sleeping. I would too if my alarm didn't go off. Hm. I shook Anna awake and she groaned. "Go 'way betch." She mumbled and turned around, face pressed into the pillow. I chuckled and decided to get up already. I didn't have much time anyways.

At 1:45pm I was ready, but Anna was still asleep. I grinned and walked to the bathroom, filling a bucket with cold water. I walked back to her room and stood next to the bed. "OIOIOIOIOIIIIIII WAKE UUUPPPPP." I yelled. "Make me." She mumbled and I grinned. "Okay." I said calmly and her eyes shot open. "No, NO, don't you dare! You-" She was cut off by the cold water hitting her. "SKYLER MITCHELL I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU." She roared. I laughed and ran out of her room, meanwhile grabbing my skateboard and bag. "Laters!" I yelled and ran outside. I heard her yell from inside and quickly skated away.

Just when I arrived at Jones' I felt my phone buzz. I had a text. Probably Anna. I grinned and walked inside. I stood in the worker's room and set my things in my locker. I opened the text and smiled brightly. It was Anna and she was furious.

Anna: How fucking dare you? You're such an evil bitch. How spiteful and jealous are you of me? How fucking dare you Skye, you crossed a major line with me. That shit is not okay. You dumb evil little fucking troll. You have no idea how much I hate you. You're disgusting.

I laughed out loud and immediately recognized those lines.

Me: ...

Me: Did you just quote Kim Kardashian?

Anna: Yes, I did. I find myself in her situation in this moment.

"You're laughing to your phone like an idiot. Who are you texting?" Matt asked, a little bit of jealousy in his voice. I really wanted to say: 'This really hot guy.' But I guess that was not the best thing to say right now. "Anna." I said. "She wouldn't wake up so I threw a bucket of water over her and I think she's gonna kill me when I'm home." I said and he chuckled. "Here, wait." I showed him the text she sent me. "Oh fuck. She's gone berserk. Watch out when you get home." He joked and I slammed my locker shut. "If I not make it out alive tell my mom I love her kay?" I said before walking out of the room, preparing myself for working.

While I was singing Imagine by John Lennon something caught my eye. Or better said, someone caught my eye. I could recognize that fucking light blue polo that matched his fucking light blue eyes everywhere. It was Luke. He was sitting at a table with what looked like his family. Mom, Dad, and 2 brothers. Well, I guess they're his brothers because they look like him. He was staring at me this whole time and I grew a little bit uncomfortable. One of his brothers, or brother's friend snapped his hand in front of him to gain his attention and he smiled a I-know-what-you're-thinking-about smile and looked briefly at me. After that Luke shook his head and his brother laughed. I ignored them and just concentrated on the songs, pretending they weren't here.

When I finished all my songs I said goodbye to the people in the restaurant and grabbed my guitar. I walked off the stage, inside. I heard someone following me and I turned around, only to be really disappointed. "What are you doing here Luke?" I asked, not too nice. "I'm just eating here with my family." He said. "Yea, I can see that. I mean here. This spot. Talking to me." I said. His smile was wiped off his face and he shrugged. "Um... I don't know. I just... I don't know. You were pretty good out there by the way." He said. "Thanks." I said and walked away. "Wait!" He yelled. "You should thank me for Lux not hitting you." He said and I looked at him with a 'really' look. "I'm not going to thank you because I would have ripped her pretty little fake eyelashes off and maybe some hair too." I said dreamily. He shrugged. "Well, I'm sorry then." He said. I looked at him with slightly narrowed eyes. "You're typical Luke, a dick with your 'friends' around, but you can act normal when they aren't here." I said, quoting 'friends' with my fingers while I said it. He frowned. I turned around and walked to the workers hall. I grabbed my skateboard and my bag and looked outside. Luke wasn't there anymore. Good. I quickly said goodbye to Ben, Matt and some other people before quickly going home.

When I got home it was surprisingly silent. Not good silent. Anna had probably set up some traps for me... I quietly walked upstairs and peeked through my bedroom door. I slowly opened it and stepped inside, only to be surprised by a bucket filled with ice cold water falling on my head. I let out a yelp before falling on the ground and I heard Anna laughing like a hyena. "You're filming this aren't you?" I asked and she just laughed. After a while she was done laughing and replied. "Jup." She said and bursted out laughing again. I removed the bucket, which was upside-down on my head, only to see Anna laying on the ground also, clutching her stomach. I stood up and statched the phone out of her hands and looked at the part she filmed. Gosh, she filmed it in slow motion. I couldn't deny it, this was gonna be hilarious. "I guess I deserved it." I said while we were both watching the film. Anna was looking with me from behind my back. "Damn right you deserved it, my whole bed is wet." She said and my eyes grew wide. "Nooooo! Gosh, that's my bed. Now I have to sleep in a wet bed tonight." I groaned and Anna laughed. "KARMA!" She yelled and was silent immediately as we watched the bucked fall in slow motion, perfectly upside-down on my head, and me falling to the ground. After that I removed the bucket and glared at Anna while water was dripping down my face and my hair was drenched. And that was when it ended. I chuckled and shook my head. "If you don't mind, I'm gonna take a shower."


"How can you betray me like that Luke!" We heard Lux screech from the other side of the hall. I just had to see this. "What the fuck did I do this time?" He said frustrated. "You talked to... Her! You know how embarrassed I was yesterday! And yesterday! How dare you stopping me from slapping her! And you enjoyed talking to her, didn't you?" She pointed her finger at him and poked him in the chest. "Oh no, I talked to somebody. What a shame." He said sarcastically. Lux looked at him like he just insulted her ancestors or something like that. "You know what? You can go. You can say bye bye to our lunch table, you can say bye bye to our group and your friends Luke. You're kicked out." She said and Luke looked like he didn't give a shit. "Friends? Which friends? You know this whole group is just pretend? Nobody likes you Lux, not the people in school, and definitely not the group of people you call friends. They're using you for popularity and I'm tired of your shit. You expect everybody to treat you like a queen. Well, newsflash. You're just like everybody else. Worse. You're trash. And I really hope that the people who are filming this are going to upload it to YouTube so the whole world can see what kind of person you are. Goodbye Lux." Luke walked away like a bad bitch and Lux was left standing there, her 'friends' assuring her that they did like her. I heard Michael chuckle next to me and putting his camera down. "I think I might follow his advice. I kinda like this guy" He said. That was quite the show... What the fuck was Luke gonna do? I know the whole school hates him... Whatever. Why do I care?

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