02. nice guys

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what will we do now, we lost it to trying.


god, it hurt.

the pain was unbearable.

tears soaked pillows, a never ending wash of heartbreak, and the familiar shatter of his heart continued to play over and over.

his memories of that day burned in and shattered his brain.

he knew it was coming.

but why did it hurt more now than when he already knew the answer?

pretending that everything was fine and smiling at you every day was enough pain, but just having the memory pushed him over the cliff.

holding a smile just to make sure you were okay - for you to be content and not awkward. for everything to be okay between you two.

"i'm sorry," you had said.

"it's okay." he lied with a broken voice.



that's what he felt.

Nice GuysWhere stories live. Discover now