07. nice guys

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fvck all this modesty, i just need space to do me.

you were crying.

buckets full.

hands trembling, hair run through, cheeks rosy, and knees buckling.

he held you in his arms whispering sweet nothings in your ear. you didn't know how hard it was for him to hold back the tears.

he wanted to find the person who did this to you and give them a nice beating. but you shook and sobbed in his chest.

your body's warmth radiating onto him, and that was the only chaining him down. his heart stuck to you, but his mind wandering.

what would you be doing now if you liked him back?

would you be smiling?

would you be crying?

would he be crying?

he held you closer to his body and closed his eyes rocking you to sleep. maybe your dreams will comfort you better than me, he thought.

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