11. nice guys

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will you still love me when i'm no longer beautiful.

there was one girl who showed him interest. she wasn't as kind as you, as funny as you, or as pretty as you.

but she was nice.

she was hot.

she was smart.

so, he asked her on a date. when you caught him holding hands with her, he wished to see the jealousy burning in your eyes.

but you just smiled and teased him about how cute he and the other girl would look together. then, matt came.

it seemed like he was always near you.

he just smiled and nodded pretending to be totally devoted to the owner of the hand he held, but in his eyes, he just wanted you.

matt slung his arm around you and shielded you from his eyes, and you didn't even say good-bye.

and just like that, he knew he wasn't even worth your time.

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