09. nice guys

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only fools fall for you. ❞

matt noticed the way he looked at you, but he didn't want to tell you about him. he thought that you might run into his arms.

so, matt confronted him about it.

"what do you think you're doing?" matt angrily asked with clenched fists.

he didn't want to fight. he knew that it would make you even more stressed. so, he shook his head and replied, "nothing."

"it better be nothing," matt spat.

"listen," he tried to explain, "i know she likes you better, so i'm not going to go after her. she's just my friend."

matt glared at him for a long time before turning on his heel and returning to your side as if this didn't happen at all.

and when you turned your head and smiled at him, you didn't even hear his heart screaming at you to help him.

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