04. nice guys

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i think there's a flaw in my code. these voices won't leave me alone. my heart is golden, my hands are cold.


he would sling his arm around your neck and laugh with you. your eyes still shining like the future and your heart still heavy with love.

his heart was tearing apart, shattering once again actually, as you looked at him with that one look.

you made him feel like a hero - maybe even a god.

the way you were able to pour out every secret you've stitched to your heart and empty it to him made him believe that maybe one day you'd love him back.

but he'd push his feelings aside for friendship purposes and make sure you were the top priority.


just beause.

you were the girl he'd lose sleep over for months. the girl who he'd sacrifice his homework grade to text late at night, call at 2am, and wipe your first tear and stop the second. the girl he'd gladly give up his own heart for.

he would do anything for you.

even if it meant pretending to be okay.

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