03. nice guys

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i guess i'm just a play date to you.


he kicked the rock around in his drive way beside his rustic toyota truck. the dust and dirt sprayed across the old truck enphasizing its age with the dents and scratches on the vehicle.

he looked over seeing you in your driveway yelling at the boy climbing into your car.

the new guy was everything he wasn't.

confident, daring, funny, and a little rude.

is that what you look for in a guy? he asked to himself feeling his heart ache at the scene.

the new guy stared at you in a way that he finds himself looking at you with.

but you don't know that because you never cared.

you wave at him across the street pretending like everything was back to normal when it wasn't. the new guy gave him a weird look, but he knew it all too well.

he knew he wasn't good enough for you.

Nice GuysWhere stories live. Discover now