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Dally's question took my off guard. What time was it? I looked around desperately for a clock. My eyes landed on the one in the kitchen. I sighed, rubbing my head. I could hear Soda crying in the bedroom. He'd been crying every night since Ponyboy left. "Dallas," I whispered, "its two in the damn morning." Dally looked at me. "Yeah, come on. Leave a note so they don't worry." I shook my head. "I'll tell Sodapop, I'm leaving. He's awake." I whispered. I stood up and went into his room. Sure enough, he was crying his eyes out. "Soda?" I murmured.

The boy looked over at me, wiping his eyes. "Did I wake you?" he asked. "No. Are you alright?" I asked. I know Dally was probably getting irritated that I wasn't saying my goodbye fast enough. He shook his head and sat up. I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. He started crying again. He hugged me. "I'm leaving until later tonight." I whispered in his ear. "Where are you-nevermind. I already know. Make sure Dally gives him my note. You better tell me where they are." Soda whispered, back. He gave me another tight hug before I walked out the door.

Dally was already outside. He was smoking his cigarette. I could see the embers igniting in the dark. I walked down the stairs. "Do you still have clothes at home?" he asked me. I nodded. I had taken most of my stuff here but left a pair of jeans and an old shirt still in my closet. I shivered. I was in a pair of shorts and a tank top. Dally noticed and put his arm around me. "You're so warm." I tiredly said.

"Did you walk here?" I yawned and lit up a cigarette. Dally nodded and we starting walking back home. I saw our house in the distance. I walked inside and immediately went to the couch. "C'mere." I said. Dally sat next to me. "Where are they?" My voice sounded sleepy, irritated, and furious. Dally looked at me with hard eyes. He ruffled his hair. I could tell he didn't want to tell me. As he reached up to peel back the bandage, he said, "I'm going to tell you how they got there and you're going to take the same route. You better run to the freight train. Get off at Windrixville. I'll be up there later today. Remember the church?" I nodded. "Find it when you get off the train. Go!" He put the bandage back in place and pointed to the door.

I jumped up and bolted out the door. I didn't even think about it for a second. I wanted to see my best friends. I'm not the fastest runner but if I want to be fast, I can be. I'd never ran that fast in my life. I hid in the grasses  as the men inspected the trains. When their backs were turned, I jumped into one of the cars. I hid behind a crate until the train lurched forward.

Trains were not my thing. It bumped along and I truly thought I was going to be sick.

It was early morning when we were passing my Windrixville. I knew that I'd have to jump. I got towards the edge, holding on to the side of the train. I looked out at the ground rushed beneath me. I bent my knees and jumped. My ankle twisted under me and I yelped. I sat in the wet grass for a while. I feared that I had shattered my ankle. I stood up and sighed in relief. It wasn't broken.

Jay Mountain wasn't far from where I jumped off. I walked up the hill. The sun was up in the sky and I could see the old church. I had one thing on my mind, my friends. I would've ran if my ankle wasn't still hurting. I reached the church and looked around. I found and door and walked in. They were asleep on the flood, huddled up. I don't blame them, it was freezing in here.

I tapped a blond Ponyboy. "Get up." I whispered. He opened his eyes and scrambled out and jumped up. "Dammit Lita!" he snapped. Johnny then rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Lola!" he said, surprise taking over his face. He jumped forward and hugged me. I hugged back. He was running a hand through my hair when it hit the bandage. He pulled back quickly. He looked at where his hand had grazed the wound. "Are you OK?" he asked.

Johnny looked upset when I moved my hair back and started to move the bandage. The gash was pretty big from where he hit me. "What happened?" Johnny's voice remained soft as he looked at the mark. "I got jumped its no big deal." I told him. Johnny sighed. "I wish I'd've been there. I could have helped you." he said, looking at it.

I remembered how big those guys were. Darry would've needed help taking down just one. They were twice his size. I shuddered at the memory. "No you couldn't of. They were huge." I tried to reassure him. "Do you think I couldn't of?" Johnny sounded hurt. I sighed and put my head in my hands. "No. You didn't see how big they were. I've never been so scared." I almost whispered. I leaned against the wall.

Ponyboy tried to change the subject, "So, how's everyone at home?" I quickly jumped to answer it. "Everyone's alright. Soda misses you, Pony. He's been crying every night since you left. The gang's kind of lost without you guys." I bumped Johnny, hoping he'd smile. He did a little bit. I decided not to tell them that Two-Bit had been wanting to get to hunt for them in Texas.

"Are the fuzz after us?" Johnny asked quickly. The sun was all the way up. "Last I heard they're not looking in Tulsa. They aren't even looking in Oklahoma." I smiled at the two boys. "What? Where are they looking?" Ponyboy asked. "Let Dally tell you. He'll be up soon." I reassured the two.

I felt around my pockets and realized I didn't have any cigarettes. " do either of you have a weed?" I asked them. Ponyboy reached into his pocket and tossed me one. He also tossed me a lighter. I lit up and took a long drag on my cancer stick. Ponyboy looked at me a while before he said, "How'd you get up here?" I blew out smoke. "Same way y'all did. Took the freight and found the church. Dally, for some odd reason, wanted me to come here the same way you did." I informed them


The sun was high in the sky and I was sitting on the step with Johnny. We were both smoking the last of the pack when Dally showed up. "See you made it here alright." he patted my head. "You guys wanna go get something to eat. I'm starving." As if on que, Ponyboy's stomach growled. We all laughed. "You're starved?" Johnny asked Dally, with a look of surprise. "Try eating baloney for five days." Johnny ruffled his black hair as he spoke.

It took a while for me to notice that they'd cut their hair. I stared at it for a bit. "Whatcha looking at? I know I look loudly, Lita. Stop staring." Ponyboy snapped. I laughed. "You're blonde. That isn't normal!" I was still giggling as I spoke. "You two, just stop." Dally said, lighting up the cigarette Johnny just gave him.

Johnny motioned to Dally. The two left, leaving Ponyboy and me alone. I narrowed my eyes, and tried to listen to them. I couldn't hear. Since I can't read lips, I leaned against the wall and looked at Ponyboy. I took  drag on my cigarette before speaking. "So, uh..?" I mentally slapped myself. Way to start a conversation, Lolita. "I've really missed you guys." I sighed. "Yeah. We've really missed home. I miss my own bed. I miss Soda, the gang, real food." Ponyboy laughed. "Baloney for five days? Why didn't you get peanut butter or ham or something?" I asked. Ponyboy shrugged.

We were quiet for a bit. I listened to what Dally and Johnny were saying. I heard my name mentioned. That was the only thing I could catch coming out of their mouths. I sighed, giving up. I decided to glance around that old church.

The floors were incredibly dusty. Chairs, pews, any type of furniture was falling apart. The windows were boarded up. Unlit cigarettes, playing cards, and lots of trash littered the floor. The worst part though, the place smelt like it was burning. I dismissed it, thinking I was just imagining it.

The two finally walked over to us. "Y'all ready?" Dally asked. Pony jumped up, nodding. Johnny chuckled at his friend.I hopped to my feet and tosses Johnny his jean jacket.

"What did you two talk about?" Ponyboy tried getting something out of them. "None of you business, Blondie." Dally snapped, messing up Pony's hair. We all snickered at the blonde boy's frustrated face. "I want my tuff hair back." Ponyboy muttered.

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