Keep it Quiet

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It's been a year in the making, but here it is! It's another chapter of Secret! I ended up getting a job last year as a stable hand and work really took over my life. I started trained horses six months ago and that consumed my life (hell it still does). School has been really hectic this past year and I really needed a break from writing. I'm so so sorry for making you guys wait this long and I thank you so much for being so patient with me. I love you all so much!


"You know Lola," Soda said as he plopped down on the step next to me, "you'll have to forgive me eventually." I glared over at him before pulling out my pack of cigarettes. I placed one between my lips and lit it. I handed one over to Sodapop. "Soda, college has been my dream ever since I was thirteen. I want to be a doctor. Now that I'm nearly seventeen and I'll be a senior soon, money is really important to me." I explained to him. The clerk job barely lasted a week. Aparently, I wasn't allowed to smoke behind the counter. The boy next to me lit the weed between his lips and turned towards me. "We never meant to get you fired, but you can't spend the rest of your life mad at me. Hell, you're living in my house. You can't avoid me forever." He laughed.

Soda had one of those contagious laughs that were impossible to resist. It was almost like music to my ears every time a fit of giggles slipped past his lips. Like always, I ended up laughing too. I blew my puff of smoke towards the ground. "I forgive you. Now, Steve and Two-Bit will need more time." Sodapop wrapped an arm around me and kissed the side of my head. "I love you, Lola." Soda whispered against my temple.


It'd been nearly a week since the last time I stopped by to see Dally and, for some reason, today seemed it seemed like a good idea. "Hey, Dal." I called out as I stepped into his house. "What the hell do you want?" he asked.

Oh god. What could have possibly done now?

"What's your problem, Dallas?"

"Why was Soda all over you?"

"You don't have this problem with Johnny? Soda is one of my best friends."

"I don't give a damn, Lolita! Why was Soda cuddling up to you in the street."

"Why does it matter, Dallas?!"

By now, I had raised my voice to a scream. Anger was something that I had always had a difficult time controlling. It always seemed to get worse when I was around my big brother. My face was red and my tiny hands had balled up into fists. Dally moved closer to me. Being five feet tall, nearly everyone towered over me and it'd usually intimidate me for a bit. Dallas never intimidated me. Even as kids, I was never scared of him. He was a bully and I hated that about him

"Because you're my goddamn sister and I worry about you!" he screamed back. 

"Your sister?" The voice came from the door. Both of our heads snapped towards the sound. I was almost positive that Dallas and I were wearing the same look. Two-Bit stared back at us with wide eyes and an open mouth. "That's your brother? She's your sister?" Dally swore under his breath and ran a hand through his hair. 

"Two-Bit, you can't tell anyone. You have to keep this quiet. I swear, if you say even one peep to the boys, I will not hesitate to cut you up." The greaser's eyes fell to the pocket knife that was clipped to the inside of my pants. I'd cut people before, but I'd never thought I'd cut Two-Bit. Usually I said that to the other boys to scare them a bit. The way his eyes looked made me think that he knew I wasn't playing around this time. I was dead serious.

Two-Bit put his hands up. "Now, there is no need for you to do that. Why don't you just tell the boys? They ain't gonna judge you two. Y'all are two idiots." I was already steaming and Two-Bit was only making it worse. Something snapped in me and I charged him. I had my pocket knife out and ready to do some damange, but two strong arms wrapped tightly around my waist and picked me up off the ground. "Put me down you asshole! Put me down!" I screamed. Dally somehow managed to wrestle the knife from my hand and toss it to the ground.

"Put me down, Dallas Winston! You put me down right now!" I was kicking my feet out towards Dally, but he still held on tight. I heard a few grunts from him when I'd kick too hard, but his arms still kept a tight grip around me until Two-Bit was gone. 

He put me down and rushed to grab my knife. "Give me my damn knife." I growled. Dally shook his head. I knew better than to put my hands on him because I knew good and well he'd hit me back. "Once you calm down, I'll give you your knife back." I took a deep breath and let it out. "I am calm. Now, give it back." Dally put the blade away and handed it to me. I headed out the door swearing to myself.

Two-Bit hadn't made it far down the road. "Two-Bit!" I yelled after him. I started running to catch up. "Two-Bit!" I said louder. He turned around and stopped. His hands were on his hips. One of them was close to his black handled switch-blade. Two-Bit wouldn't fight a girl and especially since he knew I was Dallas's kid sister. "Look, I'm sorry. I know I over reacted and I pull my blade when I get angry. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

Two-Bit ruffled my hair. "Look, I'll keep my mouth shut. I'm pretty good at that. Even when I'm roaring drunk, I'll be sure the boys don't find out anything."


About a week later, I went back to the Dingo and begged for my job back. Thankfully, my boss gave it back to me and I was back to making my money.

One afternoon, Two-Bit stopped by so we could talk a bit more about the whole sibling situation. I handed over his coke and rested my elbows on the counter.

"Why does Dallas keep it all quiet? What's so embarassing about having a sister?" I shrugged at his question. "I've been asking myself that for years. Dally is the reason I'm so tough. He taught me how to fight, how to shoot, and how to use a blade. Hell, he stole this one my Mr. Smith's old store when I was fifteen. Once I started hanging out with the gang, he told me that no one was to know. I never understood why, and every time I've tried to ask, he blows it off and changes the subject."

Two-Bit wasn't sure what to say. He took a sip of his coke. "I'm sorry he's put you through that Lola. You're an alright kid. Probably the best greaser girl to have around. You're tough and pretty damn good to have around in a rumble. I don't see what there is to be embarassed. I'd be proud to have a sister like you."

We talked for a little bit longer before a black Camaro pulled up beside. It clear that the car was from the west side of town. Socs. This was a greaser hang out. What on earth were they doing on our side of town?

"Lola, you're off." my boss said right as the clock struck seven. 

I took my apron off and placed it on the counter. Two Socs, both about six feet tall busted through the doors of the Dingo. "You." The red headed one pointed at Two-Bit. He grabbed the neck of his shirt and pulled him up. I shoved the Soc, knocking him off balace. He looked up and laughed. He went back to Two-Bit. "You were the one flirting with my girlfriend at the DX yesterday."

I stood up to take a swing at the red head but his friend picked me up and tossed me out the door. I landed at Johnny's feet. "Hey, Johnnycake. What are you doing here?" I asked. "What's going on? Why do you have your blade in your hand?" I didn't answer because the two Socs had pulled Two-Bit out of the resturant and had him pushed against a wall.

"Get off him!" I yelled. I flicked my switch blade open, but Johnny was quick to pull me back. "Dammit, Johnny!" Two-Bit was starting to get scared and you could see it in his eyes. His arms were pinned down and the Soc had his knife pressed against his neck.

About that time, a girl with blond hair and a bubblegum smile stepped out of the car. She was a little taller than me and she was wearing a pretty blue dress and black flats. "That's not him." The two boys pulled back, one holding his bleeding arm. They got back in their car and left. 

"What the hell was that about?"

That wouldn't be the last time we saw those boys.

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