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Hissing flames sputtered out of the old, wooden windows. I looked at Johnny in the front seat. His black eyes were big and round. Terror was springing across his tan face as he watched the burning inferno. "We started it Ponyboy. One of us dropped a lighted cigarette." he said. Then I looked back at Ponyboy. He didn't look scared. He looked determined. His eyes were focusing on the church. He must've heard what sounded like screams coming from inside the church.

The screams erupted again. "Jerry! Some of the kids are missing!" a lady screamed. Ponyboy leaped over the side of the car and ran inside. I tried to grab his jacket but the smooth leather slipped right through my fingertips. "Ponyboy!" I screamed. Then Johnny threw open the car door. Dally failed the keep the sixteen year old in the vehicle. "Johnny! Don't!" I yelled after my buddy. I threw myself over the side but I felt a heavy hand grab me and try to pull me back.

"Lola, please don't go in that fire." he begged. I struggled against his vice grip. I had to help my friends! "Lolita Charlotte Winston! You are not going in that damned fire!" he snapped. Dally never used my full name. Ever. That's when I knew that he was terrified of loosing me. I was the only family he had. He really did love me even if he didn't show it.

I watched as the two broke down a wall with a rock and jumped. To be honest, I was starting to cry. I was afraid to lose my best friends. "Don't cry." Dally whispered. "They'll be alright." Ponyboy yelled for us to help and we rushed to meet him.

Johnny and Ponyboy handed kids to us through the window. Once they were all out, Ponyboy climbed out. His back was in flames. Dally smacked him across the back and he dropped to the ground like a ton of led. "Shit." Dally murmured. Where was Johnny? Next thing I knew, I was throwing myself through the window. I heard Dally screaming my name but I didn't answer. I was determined.

Timbers fell around me as I searched for Johnny. He was trying to get out another way. Why didn't he try to get out the other window. "Johnny!" I called. As I ran forward, a timber fell down on my arm and I felt the skin burn. I heard a snapping noise and knew I probably broke my arm. I held the injured arm against my body.

"C'mon!" I said. I coughed from all the smoke. Johnny latched on my shirt as we headed out of the church. "Are you hurt?" he shouted. I didn't answer. I didn't want him to worry about me. The roof was caving in. Another timber hit Johnny's shoulder. He fell forward but I caught his jacket before he could fall all the way.

We reached the window and Johnny jumped out. As he did, the roof collapsed. It barely missed me. I felt a sudden burning sensation on my leg. My calf was in flames. I pulled myself out with the help of Dally. Johnny used his jean jacket to put out the fire on my pants. I kept my arm to my side. "Can you move it?" I shook my head. It could feel the pain and it was unbearable. Tears were falling down my face. The boys dragged me and a passed out Ponyboy away from the church.

I was starting to fade to blackness as paramedics lifted me into an ambulance. They put me on an IV and tried to keep my awake. I tried to sit up by a steady hand was placed on my chest. "Easy Lola." The person said. "We'll be OK." It was Johnny. "What's going on?" I couldn't remember a single thing. I did feel the burning on my arm and leg. Then I remembered the fire.

"There was a fire." Johnny murmured. "Pony and I wanted to save those kids. We did and I couldn't get out. You found me and helped me out. They said a timber fell on your arm. They think it could be broke but I heard one guy say that it's probably a fracture. You have second degree burns on your leg." he explained. He slightly smiled. "Lolita, never pull a stunt like that again." I smiled back before the pain forced me fade back into darkness once more.


It had to of been a day later when I woke up. It was early in the morning. Probably seven o'clock. Dally, Johnny, Ponyboy, and Two-Bit were sitting at the end of the hospital bed. I tried to sit up but quickly decided it wasn't a good idea. My arm and leg were still burning. Tears spring to my eyes as I tried to move my leg. My arm was in a sling. The fire. It all rushed over me like a flood.

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