Confusion - chapter 4

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The next day I was surprised to find a lot of eyes on me. Some girls are looking at me disdainfully.

I just shrugged my shoulders and went to my locker so I can get the books I needed for my morning class.

" I know she is just a pretender. Imagine going away for three years and coming back as if she doesnt know anybody.' I heard Micah say behind me. I pursed my lips. I didnt really want to spend my morning talking to them.

" I know. " Another girl from her group, I think her name is Hilda, answered. " Someone should get her off her high horse."

" Just because she became thin after she starved herself to death, she thinks shes so way above us all." Another one chimed in.

I blew the hair off my face. Breath in . Breath out. Count Lianee. I told myself so I can get a handle on my emotions.

Suddenly they stopped talking. I gathered all the books that I needed and was suprised to find Yonghwa standing beside me when I turned around.

" W-what?!"

" Are you ok? They are not harrassing you Lianee, or are they? " He asked his voice carrying a hint of worry.

" Of course not Yong." Micha purred. She deliberately swayed her hips as she walk to him. She hold on to his arm and I was surprised at the sudden pang of jealousy that I felt . I look at her hands on his arm then I look at his face.

Yonghwa was looking at me with concern. " Hey.."

I didnt let him finish what he has to say, I pushed away from them and walked to my first class. I bowed my head so I wont see the others. I know they witness what happened and Im getting some odd looks from the other students. I keep on wondering why they seem to be interested in me. Is it because I've become thinner ?

The bell rang and I concentrated on math. I felt rather than see Yonghwa sat beside me but I ignored him. I plan on doing just that to get through my senior year. I thought if I just ignore him and the rest of the class, they will get the hint and leave me alone.

The rest of the week flew by slowly. Everyday its the same. People would look at me as if I am committing some crime everytime I ignore Yonghwa. But I didnt let it get to me. I really just want to finish this school year so I can go to the university with Hongki. We had plans on getting an apartment for the two of us and he said he will arrive on Saturday to visit me.

My mom came back on Friday evening and I was so happy when I heard her call me from downstairs. She came in with a couple.

" Honey! Im so happy to be back !" She told me as she gave me a tight hug.

I smiled at her then I smiled at her friends.

" This is Archie and Amanda. We met at the airport. " Mom said and I wave to them. " They were met by their son. Oh here he is ." She said and she went to him with a smile. She look expectantly at me.

" What?" I asked looking at her and Yonghwa. He was just standing there looking at me.

Mom look at me quizzically and asked, " why are you there sweety? Dont tell me youre shy greeting your boyfriend in front of me."

My mouth literally hang open.

What!? When?

" M-mom! " I almost shout at her "my boyfriend is Hongki!"

"Who?" Her surprised face baffled me. Didnt I tell her about him?

" Honey, the last time we talked you told me youre excited to see Yong again...what happened? Did you two fight?" She asked with genuine concern.

I was really confused and I sat on the last step of the stairs dizzy. I felt my knees buckle but a hand assisted me gently.

My mom gave me a glass ofwater as I will myself to calm down. I need Hongki. I need him now!

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