Who are you? - Chapter 2

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I was in a hurry to go to class. Monday doesnt really make me gloomy but it also doesnt make me happy. Its a bleh kind of day. I woke up late and had to rush out of the house. Its a good thing that school is just on the second block from my mom's house.

Isnt that Lianee? I heard a voice say and I turn around to see Micah looking at me and then she shrugged her shoulders.

I just ignore her and ran to my room. I remember she was one of those who used to bully me just because I was fat . There are some guys I recognize from my freshman year and they smiled at me.

I sat down on the seat nearest the window at the back of the room. I never really want to be the center of attention but , I just returned so a lot of them might be wondering what happened to me while I was away.

I was getting a notebook out of my bag when someone 'cough' in front of me. Startled I look up.

" Hey! You're back!" Yonghwa showed his white teeth as he smiled at me.

" Uh yeah.. I just arrived last night." I answered. I continued to get my pen out and open my notes. I wish he will leave me alone. Theres something about his smile and the way he look at me that raise goosebumps on my arms.

" I know. Sorry I wasnt feeling well last night so I didnt come to your house." He said.

" You dont have to. Im ok." I answered distractedly.

His eyebrows raised and he look at me quizzically. " Are you mad at me baby?" He asked.

I look at him in surprise.

" What did you say?" I asked. Maybe I heard wrong.

" Are you mad at me? You're acting like you dont want to be seen with me." He said in a low voice.

" Why would I want to be seen with you?" I asked incredulously.

His face suddenly split in to a grin. " You got me there baby. Youre joking right?" Then he hugged me tight. " I missed you Lianee."

"Wait!" I almost screamed. " What are you doing?" I asked him as I pushed him away from me.

" Huh?!" His face registered shock. " Why are you acting like this?"

"I should be the one asking you that!" I said to him as I gathered my things. I look around and I saw we've gotten the attention of some of our classmates. I felt mad at him. I dont remember being this close to him in our freshman year. " Are you on a bet with someone. Please dont do this to me. I.. I just want a simple life thats why I returned."

" Lianee..what are you saying?" He asked me in a hurt tone.

I look at him blankly. Then I shake my head. " My boyfriend is coming to enroll here next week. Please stop what ever you plan on doing." I told him as I stood up. I guess I'll just go home and comeback tomorrow. This day isnt going right for me.

He stood up as I get my backpack and left. I didnt look back.

I wish Hongki is here with me. He will help me. He knows what to do.

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